J-GLOBAL ID:200901008659325810
Update date: Aug. 24, 2022
Enami Yosuke
エナミ ヨウスケ | Enami Yosuke
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
, Theoretical economics
Research keywords (4):
, 経済学史
, Medical Sociology
, Economic Thought
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 日本の医療社会の研究
- アダム・スミスの研究
- A Study of Medical Society in Japan
- Adam Smith's Study
MISC (36):
『国富論』における輪出奨励金. 星薬科大学一般教育論集. 2000. 18. 1-28
The Bounties upon Exportation in the'Wealth of Nations'. HOSHI JOURNAL OF GENERAL EDUCATION. 2000. 18. 1-28
アダム・スミスの輸入政策論. 星薬科大学一般教育論集. 1998. 16. 39-72
Adam Smith on the Import Policy. Hoshi Journal of General Education. 1998. 16. 39-72
アダム・スミスの北アメリカ植民地発展論. 星薬科大学一般教育論集. 1996. 14. 31-60
Books (4):
『知性の社会と経済』所収、時潮社 1997
Adam Smith on the Theory of the Benefit of Taxation and Criticism of Public Debt.
近代文藝社 1993
A Narrow View of Adam Smith-A Study of Classical Political Ecomomy
Kindaibungeisha 1993
Professional career (1):
- Master of Economics (Kanto Gakuin University)
Association Membership(s) (2):
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