Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2001 - 海洋細菌由来多糖の美白機能と免疫賦活化能
1998 - 真菌細胞壁多糖分解酵素の遺伝子クローニング
MISC (52):
Simada, M, Kadowaki, T, Taniguchi, Y, Inagawa, H, 岡﨑勝一郎, Soma, G. The involvement of O-antigen polysaccharide in lipopolysaccharide in macrophage activation. Anticancer Research. 2012. 32. 2337-2342
Antiviral activity of trichothecene mycotoxins and related compounds against some plant and animal viruses.
Recent Research in Agricultural and Biological Chemistry/Research Signpost 1997
Two chitinases from Streptomyces sp. J-13-3.
Chitin Handbook European Chitin Society 1997