Research field (2):
Business administration
, Economic policy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2015 - 2019 Study on Organizational Capabilities for Open Innovation
Papers (23):
Resource Allocation Behavior of Academic Entrepreneurial Firms to Achieve Commercialization - Quantitative Data Obtained from Tenant Firms of University Affiliated Incubators -. VENTURE REVIEW. 2022. 39. 95-99
Kodama, Toshihiro. New directions in Japan’s regional innovations and entrepreneurship policy: an emerging concept of clusters as seen in the TAMA project. Sarfraz A. Mian ed. (2012 ) Science and Technology Based Regional Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, Chap.2. 2011. 47-73
児玉 俊洋. 製品開発型中小企業を中心とする産業クラスター形成の可能性を示す実証研究. RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series(藤田昌久・長岡貞男編著『生産性とイノベーションシステム』日本評論社、2011年3月、第5章第2節、218-247として所収). 2010. 10-P-030
KODAMA Toshihiro. Role of Product-developing SMEs in Formation of Regional Clusters(<Special Issue>PROSPECTS OF THE THIRD PHASE OF THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BASIC PLAN). The journal of science policy and research management. 2004. 19. 1. 76-79
An empirical study on the effect of intermediating collaborative R&A - A panel data analysis using patent data of member firms ofa typical industrial cluster organization in Japan -
(SOI (Society of Open Innovation) and Swansea University 2022 Conference (at Swansea University(Faraday Building, Singleton Park Campus), Wales, UK & Online(Zoom)) 2022)
- 1979 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
Work history (19):
2020/04 - 現在 Doshisha University Graduate School of Business
2012/04 - 現在 Doshisha University Graduate School of Business Professor
2021/04 - 2022/03 Doshisha University Graduate School of Business
2019/04 - 2021/03 Doshisha University Graduate School of Business Dean
2017/04 - 2019/03 Doshisha University Graduate School of Business
2013/04 - 2017/03 Doshisha University Graduate School of Business
2008/10 - 2012/03 株式会社日本政策金融公庫 国民生活事業本部 特別参与
2008/07 - 2008/09 国民生活金融公庫 理事
2005/07 - 2008/06 Kyoto University
2001/04 - 2005/06 独立行政法人経済産業研究所 上席研究員
2001/01 - 2001/03 経済産業省 経済産業研究所研究部 総括主任研究官
1999/07 - 2001/01 経済企画庁 調査局 内国調査第二課長
1998/06 - 1999/07 通商産業省 中小企業庁指導部 組織課長
1997/07 - 1998/06 通商産業省 関東通商産業局 産業企画部長
1996/07 - 1997/06 通商産業省 関東通商産業局 商工部長
1995/06 - 1996/07 Ministry of International Trade and Industry Director-General's Secretariat Agency of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Director of Research Division
1991/03 - 1995/06 Saitama University Graduate School of Policy Science Assistant Professor
1986/05 - 1989/05 Ministry Foreign Affaires Embassy of Japan to Kanya Second Secretary, First Secretary
1979/04 - 1986/04 Ministry of International Trade and Industry
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Applied Regional Science Conference
, 産業学会
, Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation Management
, 日本ベンチャー学会