Yoshitaka Terada. Tamil isai as a challenge to Brahmanical music culture in South India. Music and Society in South Asia: Perspectives from Japan. 2008. 203-26
Yoshitaka Terada. Angry drummers and Buraku identity: The Ikari taiko group in Osaka, Japan. Proceedings from the Fourth Meeting of the ICTM Study Group ‘Music and Minorities’ in Varna, Bulgaria 2006. 2008. 309-15
- 現在 ICTM(International Council for Traditional Music) 会員
2000 - 2002 東洋音楽学会 理事
1997 - 1998 東洋音楽学会 参事
1996 - 東洋音楽学会 選挙管理委員
Asia Pacific Society for Ethnomusicology Newsletter editor
Awards (2):
2000 - (Jaap Kunst Award)ヤープ・クンスト賞
2000 - Jaap Kunst Award (Society for Ethnomusicology)
Association Membership(s) (5):
Asia Pacific Society for Ethnomusicology
, ICTM(International Council for Traditional Music)
, Society for Asian music
, Society for Ethnomusicology
, 東洋音楽学会