J-GLOBAL ID:200901011271687877
Update date: Sep. 23, 2022
Tsuda Taizo
ツダ タイゾウ | Tsuda Taizo
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Affiliation and department:
Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute
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Other affiliations (1):
Research field (1):
Environmental dynamics
Research keywords (5):
, リスク評価
, モニタリング
, 化学物質
, 琵琶湖
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2010 - 2012 有機フッ素化合物の環境負荷メカニズムの解明とその排出抑制に関する技術開発
2009 - 2010 バイオアッセイ測定の事業化にむけて
2008 - 2010 有機フッ素化合物の発生源、汚染実態解明、処理技術開発
Papers (48):
TSUDA Taizo, TAKINO Akihiko, IGAWA Toshihiro, KAWAHARA Akira, KITAGAWA Noritaka, SANUKI Noriko, UDA Takashi. Perfluorinated Compounds in Water of Lake Biwa and Nearby Rivers and Sediment of Lake Biwa. Journal of Environmental Chemistry. 2015. 25. 3. 139-148
Phenolic Endocrine Disrupters in Water from Rivers and Lakes. 2014. 39. 2. 72-82
T. Tsuda, T. Igawa, K. Tanaka, D. Hirota. Changes of Concentrations, Shipment Amounts and Ecological Risk of Pesticides in River Water Flowing into Lake Biwa. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. 2011. 87. 3. 307-311
TSUDA Taizo. Pesticides and their oxidation products in water and fish from rivers flowing into Lake Biwa. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1998. 60. 1. 151-158
TSUDA Taizo. Accumulation and excretion of isoprothiolane and its degradation products in killifish. Wat. Res. 1997. 31. 2. 323-327
MISC (31):
TSUDA Taizo. Transition of Pesticide in Lake Biwa. Journal of Enviornmental Chemistry. 2017. 27. 4. 103-109
TSUDA Taizo, IGAWA Toshihiro. Perfluorinated Compounds in Water and Fish from Rivers and Lakes in the World. JEC. 2012. 22. 4. 149-173
T. Tsuda, T. Igawa, K. Tanaka, D. Hirota. Changes of Concentrations, Shipment Amounts and Ecological Risk of Pesticides in River Water Flowing into Lake Biwa. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. 2011. 87. 3. 307-311
Results of survey on pesticides in water from Lake Biwa and rivers around Lake Biwa. 2011. 36. 2. 81-87
T. Tsuda, A. Inoue, T. Igawa, K. Tanaka. Seasonal Changes of PFOS and PFOA Concentrations in Lake Biwa Water. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. 2010. 85. 6. 593-597
Books (7):
Pesticides-Recent Trends in Pesticide Residue Assay
InTech Open Access Publisher 2012
The Impact of Pesticdes
Academy Publish.org 2012
琵琶湖ハンドブック 改訂版
滋賀県 2012
Pesticides - Formulations, Effects, Fate
InTech Open Access Publisher 2011
Pesticides - Formulations, Effects
Lectures and oral presentations (19):
(第26回環境化学討論会 2017)
Trends of PCB in fish from lakes in Japan, Sweden and USA
(The 9th International PCB Workshop 2016)
(第25回環境化学討論会 2016)
(第25回環境化学討論会 2016)
(第24回環境化学討論会 2015)
Education (2):
- 1978 京都大学大学院 工学研究科
- 1976 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
博士(工学) (京都大学)
Work history (6):
2018/04 - 現在 草津市ロクハ浄水場 嘱託員
2013/04 - 2018/03 Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute
2006/04 - 2013/03 Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute
2005/04 - 2006/03 Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute
2002/04 - 2005/03 滋賀県立衛生環境センター 環境部門 琵琶湖水質担当 専門員
1980/04 - 1999/03 滋賀県立衛生環境センター 衛生部門
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Awards (4):
2016/06 - 日本環境化学会 第25回環境化学学術賞
2012/08 - 全国環境研協議会東海・近畿・北陸支部 支部長表彰
2009/06 - 日本環境化学会 第18回環境化学技術賞
1999/06 - 地方衛生研究所全国協議会 会長奨励賞受賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 日本環境化学会
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