Research field (2):
Sociology of education
, International relations
Research keywords (2):
skills development
, International Cooperation in Education
Papers (33):
SDG4が私たちに問いかけるもの. 教育学年報. 2021. 12. 179-203
UNESCO's Responses to Education during COVID-19 and beyond. Comparative Education. 2021. 62. 4-22
Roles of Teachers in the SDG4 Age: an introductory note. Journal for International Cooperation in Education. 2020. 22. 2. 7-14
Kazuhiro Yoshida, Willy Lazaro Komba and Nkanileka Loti Mgonda. Efforts toward the Policy-Practice Linkage for Learning Outcomes Improvement - the Case of Secondary Schools in Namtumbo District, Tanzania. Journal of International Cooperation in Education. 2020. 23. 1. 13-26
2014/03 - UNESCO, member countries and other co-convenors EFA Steering Committee
2011/05 - 2013/04 外務省 外務省独立行政法人評価委員会委員
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Japan Society for Africa Educational Research
, Comparative and International Education Society
, Japan Society for International Development
, Japan Comparative Education Society