J-GLOBAL ID:200901011638577283
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022
Kashiwai Shigeo
カシワイ シゲオ | Kashiwai Shigeo
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Research field (1):
Metals and resources production
Research keywords (8):
, 鋳造
, 流動解析
, 凝固解析
, Metallargy
, Foundry Engineering
, Mold filling simulation
, Solidification simulation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2003 - 2008 ラピッドプロトタイピングによる鋳造製品の製造技術の開発
2000 - 2008 鋳造湯流れ解析
2008 - 高品質ダイカスト製造技術の開発
Fluid flow simulation of aluminum casting
MISC (2):
KASHIWAI Shigeo, KURETA Hiroshi, OHNAKA Itsuo, ZHU Jin-Dong, EGAWA Shoichi. Comparison between Numerical Simulation and Direct Observation of Mold Filling Behavior of Tire Mold Casting. Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society. 2003. 75. 10. 682-687
柏井 茂雄, 朱 金東, 大中 逸雄. AC4C合金板状鋳物の湯流れ及び流動停止の数値予測. 日本鋳造工学会. 2001. 73. 9. 592-597
Education (2):
Kyoto University
Professional career (1):
工学博士 (大阪大学)
Awards (1):
2002 - 日本鋳造工学会論文賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
, Japan Foundry Engineering Society
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