J-GLOBAL ID:200901012029569360
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Kawamura Hajime
カワムラ ハジメ | Kawamura Hajime
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Money and finance
, Public economics, labor economics
, Economic policy
Research keywords (6):
, 金融システム)
, カナダ銀行の設立過程(中央銀行政策
, Foreign Direct Investment and Transnational Corporations (The Globalization of Business)
, Financial System)
, The Formation of the Bank of Canada(Central Banking
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (37):
河村 一. 21世紀のカナダ経済の行方-戦後の景気循環を回顧して. 社会科学研究(釧路公立大学). 2008. 20. 167-188
Hajime Kawamura. Where is Canadian Economy Going to? :An Essay on it in Retrospect to the Postwar Canadian Business Cycles. SOCIAL SCIENCES(Memoirs of Kushiro Public Univ.). 2008. 20. 20. 167-188
河村一. 現代カナダの金融システムと地域通貨-NationalからCommunityへ-. 社会科学研究(釧路公立大学). 2006. 18. 1-24
Hajime Kawamura. The Financial System and Local Currency in Contemporary Canada: From National to Community. SOCIAL SCIENCES(Memoirs of Kushiro Public University). 2006. 18. 1-24
河村 一. 地域通貨の類型と多様性について-北海道の事例から見た-. 釧路公立大学地域研究. 2004. 13. 107-124
Books (13):
御茶の水書房 2007 ISBN:9784275005496
The Formation of Financial System and National Economy in Canada by Creating the Central Bank
Ochanomizu-Shobo 2007 ISBN:9784275005496
グローバル資本主義と企業システムの変容 (SGCIME編)<共著>
御茶の水書房 2006 ISBN:4275004248
Global Capitalism and the Transformation of Corporate System, ed. by SGCIME
Ochanomizu-Shobo 2006 ISBN:4275004248
The Issues on the Task and Prospect of Social Science in 21st Century ( Sang-Chuul Kim ed.)
Institute of Science Research, MokWon University, Korea 2003
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
(日本カナダ学会第35回記念大会 2010)
Formation and Development of Canada's Financial Economy: Its Meaning for Today
(The Japanese Association for Canadian Studies,.35th Annual Meeting 2010)
地域通貨交換システムについて(On the Local Currency and Regional Exchange System)
(牧園大学校(韓国)社会科学研究院・第1回国際シンポジウム 2003)
(日本カナダ学会第19回年次大会政治・経済部会報告 1994)
Financial and Economic Situation in Canada during the Inter war Period : over the Establishment of Central Bank
(The Japanese Association for Canadian Studies,19th Annual Meeting,Political and Economic Session 1994)
Works (3):
Metropolis versus Hinterland -Canada<sup>, </sup>s Political, Economic and Social Conflict during the Interwar Period-
1993 -
1988 -
On the rapid growth of Euro-commercial paper
1988 -
Education (6):
- - 1987 The University of Tokyo
- - 1987 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1979 Yokohama National University College of Economics
- - 1979 Yokohama National University Faculty of Economics
- Yokohama National University
- The University of Tokyo
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本カナダ学会
, 金融学会
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