Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2011 - 2011 Ecosophia Symposium 2011 Creativity and Harmony: The Way of Eco-Sophia for the Future of Civilization
2009 - 2010 創造と調和: 共生の智の探求-文明の未来に向けて
2004 - Japanese Perspectives for Science & Spirituality
2002 - Humanities, Science, and Religion
Papers (26):
Yutyaka Tanaka. Whitehead's philosophy in the 21st Century. Risou 2014 No.693 Special Issue "Whitehead". 2014. 693. 2-14
Yutaka Tanaka. Nishida's Philosophy and Christianity. Institute for Chrisian Culture Bulletin. 2012. 31. 79-96
Yutaka Tanaka. Philosophy of Nothingness and Process Theology. DIOGENES. 2010. 57. 3. 20-+
TANAKA YUTAKA. Word and Silence in the Bible. Sapientia Convivendi. 2010. 4. 135-164
TANAKA YUTAKA. Philosophie du néant et théologie du processus. La philosophie au Japon : Diogène (Ed. française) 227. 2009. 227. 3 (Juillet-Septembre 2009). 26-47
『Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience』(SUNY series in constructive postmodern thought)「The Individuality of a Quantum Event: Whitehead's Epochal Theory of Time and Bohr's Framework or Complementarity」
State University of New York Press 2009 ISBN:9780791459140
Iwanami Lectures of Philosophy: Metaphysics Today
2008 ISBN:9784000112628