J-GLOBAL ID:200901013252528949
Update date: Aug. 25, 2020
Miyazawa Yoshiyuki
ミヤザワ ヨシユキ | Miyazawa Yoshiyuki
Affiliation and department:
Kyushu University Forest
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (2):
Plants: molecular biology and physiology
, Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (5):
, 樹形解析
, 光合成
, Photosynthesis
, Woody Prants
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2000 - 2004 様々なフェノロジーの樹種の光合成特性の解明
2000 - 2004 Research for Photosynthetic Traits on Woody Plants with Varionphenology
MISC (8):
Yoshiyuki Miyazawa, Kihachiro Kikuzawa, Kyoichi Otsuki. Evaluation of leaf display of evergreen broadleaved tree species and deciduous tree species in warm temperate conifer plantations. JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH. 2008. 13. 1. 59-67
Yoshiyuki Miyazawa, Kihachiro Kikuzawa, Kyoichi Otsuki. Decrease in the capacity for RuBP carboxylation and regeneration with the progression of cold-induced photoinhibition during winter in evergreen broadleaf tree species in a temperate forest. FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY. 2007. 34. 5. 393-401
Yoshiyuki Miyazawa, Shirasa Tatsuya, Kihachiro Kikuzawa, Kyoichi Otsuki. The light environment, morphology and growth of the early successional tree species Litsea citriodora. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 2006. 236. 2-3. 251-258
Yoshiyuki Miyazawa, Masae Ishihara, Maki Suzuki, Hiroko Fukumasu, Kihachiro Kikuzawa. Comparison of the physiology, morphology, and leaf demography of tropical saplings with different crown shapes. JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH. 2006. 119. 5. 459-467
Y Miyazawa, K Kikuzawa. Physiological basis of seasonal trend in leaf photosynthesis of five evergreen broad-leaved species in a temperate deciduous forest. TREE PHYSIOLOGY. 2006. 26. 2. 249-256
Education (5):
- 2005 Kyoto University
- 2001 Kyoto University
- 2001 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Environmental and Production Science.
- 2001 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Forest Science
- 1999 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2):
Master(Agriculture) (Kyoto University)
農学 (京都大学)
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本生態学会
, Botanical Society of JAPAN
, Echological Society of JAPAN
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