Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
1999 - 2000 生存可能システムモデルに関する研究
1999 - 2000 Research on Viable System Model
statistical Inference
MISC (7):
ベイジアン理論と統計モデル. 金沢大学経済学部論集. 1997. 17. 1. 123
Hiradate Michiko. Bayesian Theory and Statistical Models. KANAZAWA DAIGAKU KEIZAI GAKUBU RONSHU(]J1073[) (Economic Review). 1997. 17. 1. 123-134
ベイジアン理論と統計的実践. 創価経営論集. 1993. 18. 3. 9
Bayesian Theory and Statistical Practices. Soka Keiei Ronshu. 1993. 18. 3. 9
A Control Model For Simple Hierarchical organizations. Acompendium of Research on Information and Accounting for Managerial Decision and Control in Japan A.A.A. 1982