J-GLOBAL ID:200901013428153238
Update date: Jul. 08, 2022
Hoshino Eiki
ホシノ エイキ | Hoshino Eiki
Research field (1):
Religious studies
Research keywords (4):
, 宗教儀礼
, Contemporary Religions
, Religious Rituals
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 現代社会における宗教の機能
- 巡礼の比較研究
- Functions of Religion in Contemporary Society
- Comparative Study of Pilgrimage
MISC (19):
近代四国遍路と交通手段. 大正大学大学院研究紀要. 2000. 24
Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage and the Transportation Facilities in Modern Age. Journal of the Graduate School of Taisho University. 2000. 24
星野 英紀. 四国遍路にニューエイジ?-現代歩き遍路の体験分析. 社会学年誌. 1999. 40. 47-64
Coming of New Ages in Shikoku Pilgrimage : Analysis of experience of Contemporary walking pilqrims. The Annuals of Sociology. 1999. 40. 47-64
巡礼と旅行-西国巡礼と四国遍路との関連で-. 1997. 24. 3-4. 272-299
Books (7):
佛教教理思想の研究 1998
Rethinking the typology of Pilgrimages
The study of Buddhist Thought and Doctrine 1998
Japanese Buddhism and the Electronic Media
Buddhism and Cirilization in the 21th Century (Dongguk Univ. Press) 1996
ハワイ日系人社会と日本宗教 1981
講談社 1981
Professional career (2):
Work history (1):
- Taisho University Faculty of Human Studies, Department of Human Science
Committee career (1):
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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