J-GLOBAL ID:200901014578822584   Update date: Sep. 25, 2022

Kawamoto Yoshi

カワモト ヨシ | Kawamoto Yoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/shinka/shudan/kawamoto(j).html
Research keywords  (4): 霊長類 ,  集団遺伝学 ,  Primates ,  Population Genetics
Papers (32):
  • Hayama S, Tsuchiya M, Ochiai K, Nakiri S, Nakanishi S, Ishii N, Takuya K, Tanaka A, Konno F, Kawamoto Y, et al. Small head size and delayed body weight growth in wild Japanese monkey fetuses after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Scientific Reports. 2017. 2017. 7. 3528
  • Takemoto H, Kawamoto Y, Higuchi S, Makinose E, Hart JA, Hart TB, Sakamaki T, Tokuyama N, Reinartz GE, Guislain P, et al. The mitochondrial ancestor of bonobos and the origin of their major haplogroups. PLoS ONE. 2017. 12. 5. e0174851
  • KAWAMOTO Yoshi, GO Yasuhiro, TATSUMOTO Shoji, KAKOI Hironaga, HAYAMA Shin-ichi, MARUHASHI Tamaki, KAWAMOTO Sakie, HAMADA Yuzuru, YAMAKAWA Hisashi, NAOI Youji, et al. Hybridization with Rhesus Macaques at Takagoyama Nature Zoo in the Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, and Concern for Expansion of Hybridization to Designated Areas of Natural Monuments. Primate Research. 2017. 33. 2. 69-77
  • Norbu T, Chhetri PB, Dorji T, Dorji R, Penjor T, Kawamoto Y, Oi T, Chijiiwa A, Dorji S. Experiences on replication of locally fabricated electric fence to protect agriculture crops from monkey and other wild animals. In: “Ecology, Morphology and Genetic Study of Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis)-A pilot study to mitigate human-wildlife conflict in western Bhutan”, (Chhetri PB, Dorji T, Norbu T, Kawamoto Y, Oi T, Hamada Y eds.), Renewable Natural Resources Research. 2016. 72-82
  • Kawamoto Y, Oi T, Chijiiwa A, Hamada Y, Chhetri PB, Wangda P, Norbu T, Rubgay K, Dorji R, Sherabla, et al. Genetic characteristics of Assamese macaques at Chunzom in west Bhutan. In: “Ecology, Morphology and Genetic Study of Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis)-A pilot study to mitigate human-wildlife conflict in western Bhutan”, (Chhetri PB, Dorji T, Norbu T, Kawamoto Y, Oi T, Hamada Y eds.), Renewable Natural Resources Research. 2016. 55-71
MISC (82):
Books (10):
  • 幸福の国ブータンの獣害対策, 「レジリエンスの諸相ー人類史的視点からの挑戦ー」 奈良由美子・稲村哲也 編
    放送大学教育振興会, pp. 319-322. 2018
  • 環境への遺伝的適応と文化的適応ー霊長類としての人間の特性を考えるー, 「レジリエンスの諸相-人類史的視点からの挑戦ー」奈良由美子・稲村哲也 編
    放送大学教育振興会, pp. 72-75. 2018
  • Taiwanese and rhesus macaques: Toword eradication to avoid hybridization
    University of Tokyo Press 2011
  • Human-wildlife conflicts in Bhutan
  • Modes of differentiation in Japanese macaques: Perspectives from population genetics.
    Springer 2010
Lectures and oral presentations  (23):
  • ニホンザルをめぐる外来種問題
    (第33回生物多様性カフェ 2018)
  • Conservation Genetics of the Japanese Macaque: Toward the Conservation and Management of the Local Population
    (The 7th International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution: Genetic and hormonal analyses on wild animals 2017)
  • ブータンに見る人と動物の関係
    (日本モンキーセンター京大日曜サロン 2017)
  • 交雑をめぐる二つの話題
    (第115回名古屋市立大学システム自然科学研究科セミナー・第36回名古屋市立大学生物多様性研究センターセミナー 2014)
  • ニホンザルのちがい:遺伝子の地域差
    (ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「ニホンザル」第11回公開シンポジウム 2014)
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Science (Kyoto University (Japan))
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本霊長類学会 ,  Primate Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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