Research field (2):
, Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
Research keywords (7):
, 一酸化窒素の細胞毒性
, 微生物の水銀耐性機序
, 金属の生物学的変換反応
, Cytotoxic effect of nitric oxide Bioremediation of heavy matals in environment
, Mechanism of mercurial resistance of microorganisms.
, Biotransformation of metals
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
1993 - 2004 Effect of cGMP/NO pathway on neural cells
1990 - 水銀の無毒化機序とその水銀浄化への利用
1990 - 微生物の水銀耐性遺伝子の解析
Development of a new biotechnology for remediation of mercurials in environments
Mechanism of mercury-detoxification and its utility for purification of mercury in environment
Genetic analysis of the genes determining mercurial resistance in microorganism.