J-GLOBAL ID:200901014824615798
Update date: Nov. 21, 2005
Mohd Imran
モハマド イムラン | Mohd Imran
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Ph.D student,Lecturer (University Teknologi Mara, MALAYSIA)
Research field (2):
Transfer phenomena and unit operations
, Inorganic materials
Research keywords (8):
, 粉粒体操作
, 伝熱
, 流動層
, Structural Ceramics
, Powder Handling
, Heat Transfer
, Fluidization
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2005 - 高性能セラミクスのプロセス
- 2005 - Processing of High Performance Ceramics
- 2000 - 2002 循環流動層における層と挿入した熱伝達面の熱伝導特性
- 2000 - 2002 Heat Transfer of bed to immersed surface in CFB
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