J-GLOBAL ID:200901014924249560
Update date: Sep. 24, 2024
Tsuruta Kazuhiro
ツルタ カズヒロ | Tsuruta Kazuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (7):
Rehabilitation science
, Control and systems engineering
, Communication and network engineering
, Robotics and intelligent systems
, Mechanics and mechatronics
, Nano/micro-systems
, Nanomaterials
Research keywords (9):
Artificial Intelligence
, ロボティクス
, メカトロニクス
, 超精密位置決め
, Control Engineering
, Robotics
, Mechatronics
, Tribology
, Machine Control
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2021 - 2024 Development of a rehabilitation training device aimed at activating the brain by a body stimulation approach
- 2016 - 2019 脳錯覚を利用したリハビリ制御装置の研究
- 2006 - 2011 車輪型移動ロボットの走行制御に関する研究
- 2007 - 2010 車輪型移動ロボットの走行制御に関する研究
- 2004 - 2009 メカトロニクス機器のオートチューニング技術
- 2007 - 圧電素子(超音波モータ)を利用したナノメートルオーダーの位置決め制御技術の研究
- 2004 - 2006 Autotuning
- 2005 - 高速・高精度応答実現のための非線形制御則の適用
- Autotuning for plural axial control
- Progressing of mechatoronics to bionics
- Machine Cortrol Technology
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Papers (46):
Tetsuya Ojiro, Toshiyuki Tachibana, Hideki Honda, So Watanabe, Hiroshi Hamamatsu, Kazuhiro Tsuruta. High precision control model of large-sized gantry-type linear motor slider. ROBOMECH Journal. 2020. 7. 1
Consideration of Multi-Degree of Freedom Vibration on Large-Sized Gantry Type Linear Motor Slider. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. 2019. 31. 2. 240-250
Tetsuya Ojiro, Kazuhiro Tsuruta. A study of smart factory with artificial intelligence. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Mechatronics and Control, MC 2019. 2019. 79-83
Control Model for Large-Sized Gantry Type Linear Motor Slider, Electrical Engineering in Japan. Electrical Engineering in Japan. 2018. 203. 2. 39-46
Tetsuya Ojiro, Hideki Honda, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto, Kazuhiro Tsuruta. Consideration on control method of the large-sized gantry-type linear motor slider. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2017. 2017. 1198-1203
MISC (24):
Patents (26):
Books (2):
High-Speed and High-Precision Position Control Using a Nonlinear Compensator
Advances in PID Control, INTECH Open Access Publisher 2011
A Robust Adaptive H∞ Control Method for Robot Manipulators with Input Nonlinearities
Tsinghua University Press 2010 ISBN:9787302234869
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
(<H30年度地域中核企業創出・支援事業>大学シーズ発信会 2019)
(第2回ロボデックス 2018)
Concept, results and future topics for the Human Robotics Research Center at Kyushu Sangyo Universit
(17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2017)
(SICE第3回制御部門大会資料 2003)
Education (4):
- 1998 - 2001 Kyushu University
- - 2001 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Intelligent Machinery
- 1984 - 1988 防衛大学校 理工学部 電気工学科
- - 1988 National Defense Academy Faculty of Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering
Professional career (1):
- Doctor (Engineering) (Kyushu University)
Work history (4):
- - 現在 九州産業大学 理工学部 機械工学科 教授
- 2009/04 - 2009/09 Wuerzburg University informatics and Robotics Guest Researcher
- 1988 - 2004 (株)安川電機 開発研究所 研究員
- 1988 - 2004 Researcher, Yaskawa Electric Corporation
Committee career (4):
- 2014/04 - 2017/03 (一社)電気学会 編修専門第2部会委員
- 2005/04 - 2008/03 (一社)電気学会 編修専門第2部会委員
- 2003 - 2005 電気学会 産業応用部門編修委員
- 2003 - 2005 IEEJ(The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan) IEEJ Industry Applications Society Editorial Committee
Awards (9):
- 2017/08 - IEEE-CYBER2017 Finalist of Best Paper Award Rehabilitation controller using Brain Illusion
- 2008 - 発明協会 九州地方発明表彰(福岡支部長賞) 電動機制御装置
- 2007 - 発明協会 発明奨励賞 オンラインイナーシャ同定装置
- 2004 - 発明協会 発明奨励賞 モータ速度制御装置
- 2004 - An invention encouragement prize
- 2003 - 第51回電気科学技術奨励賞(オーム賞) オートチューニング技術の開発
- 2003 - Ohm technology prize
- 1998 - 日本電機工業会発達賞
- 1998 - The Japanese electrical machinery and appliances industry society development prize
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Association Membership(s) (9):
, 機械学会
, 精密工学会
, 電気学会
, 計測自動制御学会
, ASPE(American Society for Precision Engineering)
, JAME(Japan Society for Mechanical Engineers)
, JSPE(Japan Society for Precision Engineering)
, IEEJ(The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan)
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