Research keywords (5):
nuclear magnetic resonance, very low temperature, high magnetic field, quantum spin, frustration, low dimensional spin system, quantum many body effect, magnetic phase transition
, quantum tunneling of magnetization, NMR, single-molecular magnets
, spin gap, critical field region, NMR, nuclear magnetic relaxation
, magnetism, magnetic resonance (NMR, ESR), ultra/very low temperature, high magnetic field, dynamic nuclear polarization
, silicon, n-type semiconductor, quantum computer, magnetic resonance, high magnetic field
The Society of Electron Spin Science and Technology
, The Physical Society of Japan
, The Japan Society of Infrared Science and Technology
, Hokuriku branch, The Physical Society of Japan
, The Japan Society of Infrared Science and Technology
, Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society (APES)
, International EPR/ESR Society
, The Physical Society of Japan