J-GLOBAL ID:200901015481302140   Update date: Jul. 25, 2024

Jung eung Tae

チョン テウン | Jung eung Tae
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Sports science
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • スポーツ社会学
MISC (4):
  • Jung Tae-eung, Kasai Jun-ichi, Mori Takeshi. The Comparison of Japan and South Korea in the Table Tennis : Focusing on Japan and South Korea's Player Rearing System. Bulletin of Nippon College of Physical Education. 1997. 27. 1. 101-108
  • Jung Tae-eung, Kasai Jun-ichi, Mori Takeshi. The Comparison of Japan and South Korea in the Table Tennis -Focusing on Japan and South Korea's player Rearing System. Bulletin of Nippon Sport Science University. 1997. 27. 1. 101-108
  • 韓国における社会体育施設に関する研究. 青森大学・青森短期大学学術研究会紀要. 1994. 17. 2. 25
  • A STUDY on SPORTS COMMUNITY CENTRES in KOREA. Edited and Published by Aomori Univ & Aomori Jr. Coll. Gakujutsu Kenkyuka :. 1994. 17. 2. 25
Education (4):
  • - 1992 Nippon Sport Science University
  • - 1992 Nippon Sport Science University Graduate School, Division of Physical Recreation
  • - 1986 慶星大学校 商経学部 貿易
  • Faculty of Commerce and Economics
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本スポーツ方法学会 日本卓球研究会 ,  日本体育学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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