J-GLOBAL ID:200901015671707317
Update date: Jan. 04, 2011
Nakaizumi Akira
ナカイズミ アキラ | Nakaizumi Akira
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 近代大衆社会と観光化
- アジア社会の近代化
- a study of modern mass society and mass tourism
- A study of modernization in Asia society
MISC (38):
日本社会の近代化と伝統工芸を巡る考察. 社会学論叢. 1998. 133
A study of modern Society and Potters and Porceloins arts. The Journal of Sociology. 1998. 133
益子焼の産地構造と窯元・作家. 明治学院論叢,社会学,社会福祉学研究. 1997. 101
Pottery and Potter's Life and Conciousness. The Meiji Gakuin Sociology and Social Welfare Review. 1997. 101
大衆消費社会と観光開発に関する研究. 社会学論叢. 1995. 122. 17-34
Books (1):
お茶の水書房 2003
Works (2):
1988 -
Modernization of the Potter's Art
1988 -
Education (2):
- - 1968 Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences
- - 1968 Nihon University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science (Humanities)
Professional career (1):
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 経済社会学会
, 関東社会学会
, 日本社会学史学会
, 東北社会学会
, 国際社会学会
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