Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2009 - 2012 衛星輝度温度画像を用いた極域の気象情報抽出に関する研究
Papers (49):
猪熊 裕史, 森 雅樹, 山本 泰之, 畑中 雅彦. An Implementation of Referential Join for Distributed Database System Based on Normalization and Referential Integrity. Journal of the Association of Innovative Technology. 2010. 51. 1-6
S.Ohashi M.Hatanaka. A new visualization method for 3D head MRA data. PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE on CD-ROM: Medical Imaging 2008. 2008. Vols. 6913-6920. 691835. 1-10
大橋智志, 畑中雅彦. 3D Segmentation of Cerebral Arteries in MR Angiography data Based on Gradient Vector Field. Journal of the Association of Innovative Technology. 2005. 48. 27-34
T.Noda, M.Hatanaka, J.Shi. A Numerical Study on the Efficiency of Benson's Algorithm for Solving Sum-of-rations Problem. Journal of the Association of Innovative Technology. 2005. 48. 1-6