J-GLOBAL ID:200901015900311473
Update date: Aug. 30, 2020
Yasutaka Satoru
ヤスタカ サトル | Yasutaka Satoru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Senior Assistant Professor
Research keywords (2):
Gross Anatomy
, 肉眼解剖
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- Study on Nerves and Vessels of Human
- ヒトの神経・血管に関する研究
Papers (69):
S.Yasutaka, H.Shinohara, R.Kominami. Gross anatomical tractography (GAT) proposed a change from the 'Two laminae concept' to the 'Neuronal unit concept' on the structure of the human hippocampus. Okajimas folia anatomica Japonica. 2013. 89:147-156
T.Shimokawa, S.Yasutaka, R.Kominami, H.Shinohara. Lmx-1b and Wnt-7a expression in axolotl limb during development and regeneration. Okajimas folia anatomica Japonica. 2013. 89:119-124
T.Shimokawa, R.Kominami, S.Yasutaka, H.Shinohara. Misexpression experiment of Tbx5 in axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) hindlimb blastema. Okajimas folia anatomica Japonica. 2013. 89:113-118
R.Kominami, H.Shinohara, S.Yasutaka, M.Kishibe. The human hippocampus observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM): The dentate gyrus is made of an array of the neuronal lamellae. Okajimas folia anatomica Japonica. 2013. 89:157-164
T.Shimokawa, S.Yasutaka, R.Kominami, H.Shinohara. Wound epithelium function in axolotl limb regeneration. Okajimas folia anatomica Japonica. 2012. 89:75-81
MISC (29):
Takashi Shimokawa, Satoru Yasutaka, Rieko Kominami, Shigenori Tanaka, Harumichi Shinohara. Pitx1 expression in developing and regenerating axolotl limbs. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica. 2008. 85. 1. 5-10
Takashi Shimokawa, Satoru Yasutaka, Rieko Kominami, Shigenori Tanaka, Harumichi Shinohara. Pitx1 expression in developing and regenerating axolotl limbs. Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica. 2008. 85. 1. 5-10
H.Ming-Yu, T.Shimokawa, R.Kominami, S.Yasutaka, H.Shinohara. Morphological characteristics of the branchial nerve in axolotl embryos at different stages (in Chinese ). Chinese journal of zoology. 2008. 43. 121-125
H.Ming-Yu, T.Shimokawa, R.Kominami, S.Yasutaka, H.Shinohara. Developmental study of hypoglossal nerve in axolotl embryo (in Chinese). Chinese journal of anatomy. 2008. 31. 862-863
H.Ming-Yu, T.Shimokawa, R.Kominami, S.Yasutaka, H.Shinohara. Morphological characteristics of the branchial nerve in axolotl embryos at different stages (in Chinese ). Chinese journal of zoology. 2008. 43. 121-125
Lectures and oral presentations (43):
Gross Anatomical Tractography(GAT)によるヒト海馬支脚の組織学的観察
GAT(Gross Anatomical Tractography)を用いたヒト海馬の海馬支脚からアンモン角の内部構造
Position discontinuity in wound epithelium formation during axolotllimb regeneration
(The 116th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists 2011)
Education (2):
- - 1979 Kyushu Institute of Design Graduate School Division of Art and Technology
- - 1977 Kyushu Institute of Design Faculty of Art and Technology
Professional career (2):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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