J-GLOBAL ID:200901016513353911
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022
Matsuda Sumiko
マツダ スミコ | Matsuda Sumiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 子守学校と農繁託児所
- Komori-gakko and Seasonal Nursery
MISC (13):
村山地区の子守教育と農繁託児所. 山形県村山地方生活文化調査研究報告書. 2001
Education for komori-pupil and Seasonal Nursery in Murayama District. 2001
Matsuda Sumiko. A Study on Establishment of a Komori-Gakko and a Day Nursery attached to kindergarten : On Cases of Two Day Nurseries in Yamagata Prefecture. Reports of the Institute for Culture in Life. 1999. 26. 26. 15-24
A Study on Establishment of a Komori-Gakko and Day Nursery attached to Kindengarten -On Cased of Two day Nureries in Yamagata Prefecture-. 1999. 26. 15-24
Matsuda Sumiko. A Study on the Change of Nursing System by Amendment of the Low for Child Welfare. Bulletin of the Yamagata Prefectual Yonezawa Women's Junior College. 1998. 33. 85-99
Works (6):
2001 -
Empirical study on spontaneous educational activities at agricultural districts in Yamagata Prefecture
2001 -
1999 -
1999 -
1995 -
Professional career (1):
- Master of Education (Aichi University of Education)
Association Membership(s) (2):
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