J-GLOBAL ID:200901017451242170
Update date: Aug. 26, 2022
Kinebuchi Tomoko
キネブチ トモコ | Kinebuchi Tomoko
Research field (1):
Business administration
Research keywords (2):
, Organizational Behavior
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 日本型経営管理論
- キャリア論
- ポストモダンの組織行動
- 新入社員教育
- Organizntional Behavior in Post Modern
- New Employee, Education
- Study On the management of Japanese industrial organizations
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Papers (39):
KINBUCHI, Tomoko. Looking into the Assumptions of Career Theories - Based upon the Uniqueness of American Society. Bulletin of Josai Junior College. 2020. 37. 1. 1-13
KINEBUCHI Tomoko. Preliminary Study to Locate a Management Style in Sociology. Josai Junior College Bulltein. 2018. 35. 1. 1-12
KINEBUCHI Tomoko. An Approach to the Principle of Equal Pay for Equal Work from Various Angles - Another Step Towards Living People. Josai Juniior College Bulletin. 2017. 34. I. I-16
KINEBUCHI Tomoko. A Study on the Negative Effects of the "Non-Regular" Label Applied to the Non-Full-Employment. Josai Juniior College Bulletin. 2016. 33. 1. 1-14
KINEBUCHI Tomoko. Revisit to the Japanese Style of Employment System-Based on the Dynamics Stemming from the "Vertically Structured Society". Josai Junior College Bulltein. 2015. 32. 1. 1-13
MISC (30):
Translation: "Complexity and management: fad or radical challenge to system thinking?" (3) by Ralph D. Stacey, Douglas Griffin and Patricia Shaw. Josai Junior College bulletin. 2009. 26. 1. 21-71
杵渕友子. 複雑性と管理ー単なるブームなのかあるいはシステム志向に対する疑義か(2). 城西短期大学紀要. 2007
杵渕友子. 複雑性と管理ー単なるブームなのかあるいはシステム志向に対する疑義か(1). 城西短期大学紀要. 2006
Determinants of Unfoldment of Interaction - Techno - Knowladge and Meme - knowledge. Annual Reports of Josai for Management Information. 2004. 3
Realizability of the Theory of Ba. Josai Univ. Bulletin Junior College for Women. 2004. 21. 1
Education (4):
- - 1996 Meiji University
- - 1996 Meiji University Graduate School, Division of Administration
- - 1984 Meiji University School of Commerce
- - 1984 Meiji University Faculty of Commerce
Professional career (2):
- Master of Business Administration (Meiji University)
- Doctor of Business Administration (Meiji University)
Work history (7):
- 1996 - 現在 Josai Junior College
- 1998 - 1999 Meiji University
- 1998 - 1999 Meiji University, temporary lecturer
- 1994 - 1996 シオン短期大学 非常勤講師
- 1994 - 1996 Sion Junior College, temporary lecturer
- 1992 - 1994 Meiji University
- 1992 - 1994 Meiji University, temporary lecturer
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 組織学会
, 産業・組織心理学会
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