J-GLOBAL ID:200901018114822870
Update date: Mar. 04, 2025
Uchiyama hideho
ウチヤマ ヒデホ | Uchiyama hideho
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (5):
Laboratory animal science
, Morphology, anatomy
, Cell biology
, Molecular biology
, Developmental biology
Research keywords (11):
, 転写因子
, 器官形成
, 細胞分化
, 再生発生学
, stem cells
, regeneration
, transcription factors
, organogenesis
, cell differentiation
, Developmental biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
- 2005 - 哺乳類の多能性幹細胞を用いた分化制御
- 2005 - Control of cell differentiation of mammalian pleuripotential stem cells
- 2001 - 両生類の発生や生殖に対する環境ホルモン様物質の影響
- 2001 - Effect of endocrine disruptors on ambihian development and reproduction
- 1993 - 2000 両生類の脳下垂体におけるアクチビンの役割
- 1993 - 2000 Role of activin in the pituitary of amphibians
- 1996 - 1996 下等脊椎動物および無脊椎動物の初期発生におけるアクチビン関連分子の役割
- 1996 - 1996 BMP/decapentaplegicファミリーによる形態形式の制御機構
- 1995 - 1995 アフリカツメガエル胚の神経の発生におけるアクチビンの役割
- 1995 - 1995 BMP/decapentaplegicファミリーによる形態形成の制御機構
- 1994 - 1994 アフリカツメガエル初期胚の背腹軸決定におけるPIシグナル情報伝達系の役割
- 1992 - 1994 Molecular analysis of cell differentiation and morphogenesis by mesoderm inducing factor
- 1993 - 1993 両生類胚のアクチビンとレチノインさんの共同作用による分化に関する免疫組織化学的研究
- 1993 - 1993 アフリカツメガエル初期胚の背腹軸決定におけるPIシグナル情報伝達系の役割
- 1992 - 1992 アフリカツメガエル胚におけるアクチビンの局在性と細胞分化に関する研究
- 1989 - 1991 初期胚における中胚葉性分化誘導物質と形態形成
- 1989 - 脊椎動物の発生における中胚葉分化の転写因子による分化制御
- 1989 - Control of mesodermal differentiation by transcription factors in vertebrate development
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Papers (41):
Yu Takahashi, Ryota Wakabayashi, Satoshi Kitajima, Hideho Uchiyama. Epichordal vertebral column formation in Xenopus laevis. Journal of Morphology. 2023. 285. 2
Yoshiteru Yano, Naoya Iimura, Nobuhiko Kojima, Hideho Uchiyama. Non-neural and cardiac differentiating properties of Tbx6-expressing mouse embryonic stem cells. REGENERATIVE THERAPY. 2016. 3. 1-6
Imtiaj Hasan, Shigeki Sugawara, Yuki Fujii, Yasuhiro Koide, Daiki Terada, Naoya Iimura, Toshiyuki Fujiwara, Keisuke G. Takahashi, Nobuhiko Kojima, Sultana Rajia, et al. MytiLec, a Mussel R-Type Lectin, Interacts with Surface Glycan Gb3 on Burkitt's Lymphoma Cells to Trigger Apoptosis through Multiple Pathways. MARINE DRUGS. 2015. 13. 12. 7377-7389
Maria Fernanda Avila, Shigeki Yamaguchi, Hideho Uchiyama, Ruggero Micheletto. A /30 resolution laser speckle pattern biosensor for dynamic studies on live samples. Proceedings of the 2011 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, ISSNIP 2011. 2011. 37-40
Shunsuke Tazumi, Shigeharu Yabe, Hideho Uchiyama. Paraxial T-box genes, Tbx6 and Tbx1, are required for cranial chondrogenesis and myogenesis. Developmental biology. 2010. 346. 2. 170-80
MISC (17):
相原 祐子, 林 洋平, 有木 信貴, 大沼 清, 中西 未央, 藁科 雅岐, 内山 英穂, 浅島 誠, 古江 美保[楠田]. ES細胞・再生医療 マウスES細胞から誘導された神経堤細胞の特性解析. 組織培養研究. 2009. 28. 1. 58-58
内山 英穂, 小林 照明, 山下 暁夫, 矢部 茂治. アフリカツメガエルTbx6遺伝子のクローニングとその役割. 日本発生生物学会大会講演要旨集. 2000. 33回. 71-71
内山 英穂. T-box遺伝子群の発見と動物進化. 横浜市立大学論叢 自然科学系列. 1999. 50. 1,2. 157-165
UCHIYAMA hideho. Discovery of T-box gene family and animal evolution. Bull. Yokohama City Univ. Nat. Sci. 1999. 50. 1,2
NISHIMURA Naomi, UCHIYAMA Hideho, IGUCHI Taisen. EFFECT OF ESTROGEN ON DEVELOPMENT OF XENOPUS LAEVIS. Proceedings of the Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology. 1995. 10. 65-65
Books (2):
培風館 2019 ISBN:4563078239
北海道大学図書刊行会 1998
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
Epichordal centrum in Xenopus laevis is derived from the ventral margin of neural arches.
Epichordal vertebra formation in Xenopus laevis: An illustration and evolutionary insights.
(Annual Conference of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2020)
Differential Expression Analysis for the Erythroid Differentiation of Friend F5-5 Cells Using RNASeq
(The 27th International Plant and Animal Genome Conference 2019)
Non-neural and cardiac differentiating properties of Tbx6-expressing mouse embryonic stem cells.
(The 22nd International Congress of Zoology, Okinawa 2016)
(第16回国際分化学会 2010)
Education (2):
- - 1985 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Biological Sciences
- - 1985 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
- Ph D. (The University of Tokyo)
- Master of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (3):
- 2009/04 - 現在 2009-2019, Professor at the International College of Arts and Sciences, Yokohama City University; 2019-present Professor at the Faculty of Science, Yokohama City University Professor at the Faculty of Science, Yokohama City University
- 1989/10 - 2009/03 Yokohama City University
- 1989/10 - 2009/03 Research Associate, Department of Biology, Yokohama City Univ; 1999-2005 Associate Prof, Fac of Sci, Yokohama City Univ; 2005- Assoc Prof, Intn Sch Arts & Sci, Yokohama City Univ
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 国際発生生物学会
, 日本分子生物学会
, 日本発生生物学会
, 日本動物学会
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