Research theme for competitive and other funds (35):
2005 - 2006 Fabrication of Tunneling Magnetoresistance Devices using Novel Room-temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductor MnGeP_2
2004 - 2006 Observation and manipulation of vortices in high-Tc superconducting micro-structures
2002 - 2004 Fabrication, characterization arid application of GaAs hole arrays with high aspect ratio
2002 - 2003 Development of High Sensitivity Magneto-Optical Microscope using Circular Polarization Modulation
2001 - 2003 Characterization of Chalcopyrite-type Room Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductors
2000 - 2002 Fabrication of high-ordered hole arrays by anodization of GaAs substrates and their optical poperties
2000 - 2002 Fabrication of magnetic metal wires by using self-organization on stepped surfaces and its application to three dimensional super lattices
2000 - 2001 半導体ハニカムホールアレイの自己組織的形成と評価
1999 - 2001 Fabrication of 3D Photospinic Crystals
1998 - 2000 MBE Growth of MnBi-based Single Crystal and Superlattice Films and Its Characterization by Nonlinear Magneto-Optical Effect
1997 - 1999 Nanoscale magnetism and transport
1997 - 1999 Development of Measurement Technology for Nanoscale Magnetism
1996 - 1997 カルコパイライト型半導体を用いたエレクトロクロミックスデバイスの開発
1996 - 1997 Artificial fabrication and magnetic properties of non-equilibrium ordered alloys by monatomic layr control
1996 - 1997 Characterization of Interfaces in Artificial Superlattice by Means of Nonlinear Magnet-Optical Effect
1995 - 1997 Near-field Magneto-optical Microscope for Observation of Nano-spin Structure
1996 - 1996 微小領域の磁性と伝導
1996 - 1996 モット転移系3d遷移金属化合物における光磁気機能性の開拓
1995 - 1995 モット転移系3d遷移金属化合物における光磁気機能性の開拓
1993 - 1995 Solid State Spectroscopy in Wide Energy Region
1992 - 1994 Studies of New Opto-Mechatronics
1993 - 1993 ナノスピニクスの科学
1992 - 1992 金属人工格子の短波長磁気光学特性の研究
1990 - 1992 新しい光物性機能をもった半導体材料の開拓
1991 - 1991 金属人工格子の短波長磁気光学特性の研究
1991 - 1991 新しい光物性機能をもった半導体材料の開拓
1990 - 1991 Study of Photoluminescence Mechanism of Rare Earth Ions in Compound-Semiconductors by Means of Magneto-Circular Photoluminescence
1990 - 1990 金属人工格子の短波長磁気光学特性の研究
1990 - 1990 新しい光物性機能をもった半導体材料の開拓
1989 - 1989 化合物半導体の光物性の制御
1987 - 1989 Control of Optical Properties in I-III-VI2 Semiconductors by Using Transition Atoms
1987 - 1988 化合物半導体の光物性の制御
1985 - 1987 Characterization of Electronic Structures of Deep Levels in Semiconductors by Magneto-Circular Emission Spectrum
Show all
Papers (288):
Gennady Medvedkin, Katsuaki Sato, Takayuki Ishibashi. Direct evidence for a nonzero energy gap and half-metallicity in the diamondlike ferromagnet (Zn,Mn). Physical Review B. 2024. 110. 6. 064406-1-064406-21
Shihao Wang, Masami Nishikawa, Takayuki Ishibashi, Katsuaki Sato. Magneto-optical spectroscopy by the polarization modulation method using a multi-channel spectrometer. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2020. 59. SE. SEEA02-1-SEEA02-4
Y. Takahashi, K. Sato, T. Shima, M. Doi. Dependence of magnetic properties on different buffer layers of Mn3.5Ga thin films. AIP Advances. 2018. 8. 5. 056315-056315
S. Demiray, M. Kohda, T. Miyawaki, Y. Watanabe, K. Saito, S. Mitani, K. Takanashi, J..Nitta. Electrical determination of relative chirality direction in a Co/Cu/Co ferromagnetic ring. Applied Physics Letters. 2012. 101. 062409-1-062409-5
Katsuaki Sato, Takayuki Ishibashi. Fundamentals of Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Physics. 2022. 10. 1-15
Katsuaki Sato. Expectations for the new project of MEXT "Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology in Japan". Crystal Letters. 2022. 79. 1-3
Katsuaki Sato. Compound semiconductors-its crystal structure and basic physical properties-. Chemistry and Education. 2021. 69. 11. 480-483
Katsuaki Sato. Fundamental Course "Let's be familiar with Magnet"86). Chemistry Today. 2020. 597. 66-72
Katsuaki Sato. The editorial board / external reporter saw it! First online lecture "Symposium: Engineering of Diverse Stable Phases". Oyobuturi. 2020. 89. 11. 624-624
Understanding Paintings from a Material Science Perspective
(6th Crossover Alliance Activity Report Meeting 2024)
The role played by inorganic materials in photoelectric interconversion engineering
(267th Research Meeting of 125th Committee of Japan Society for Promotion of Science 2023)
Spintronics-Latest research trends and expectations for future industrial applications
(Joint Study Meeting for Nanophotonics and Electronics 2022)
Spintronics - Fundamentals and Application (2)
(The fourth CURIE seminar 2021)
Spintronics - Fundamentals and Application (1)
(The third CURIE seminar 2021)
1964 - 1966 Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
- 1966 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
1960 - 1964 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
- 1964 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
Dr. of Engineering (Kyoto University)
Work history (13):
2007/06 - 現在 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Professor Emeritus
2018/04 - 2023/03 Japan Science and Technology Agency Center for Research and Development Strategy Specially Designated Fellow
2017/04 - 2022/03 MEXT Nanotechnology Platform Program Director
2010/06 - 2018/03 Japan Science and Technology Agency Center for Research and Development Strategy fellow
2007/04 - 2013/03 Japan Science and Technology Agency Research Supervisor
2007/05 - 2010/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Graduate school of technology specially appointed professor
2005/05 - 2007/04 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology director, vice president
2005 - 2007 Vice President
2001/04 - 2005/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Technology, Department of Applied Physics Professor
1989/04 - 2001/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Technology, Department of Electronics and Information Engineering Professor
1984/04 - 1989/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Technology Associate Professor
1968/09 - 1984/03 Japan Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting Science Research Laboratory member
1966/04 - 1968/08 Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) Osaka Broadcasting Station member
Show all
Committee career (17):
2022/07 - 現在 Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devuces Steering Committee Member
2000 - 2003 The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers Coucilor
2000 - 2002 応用物理学会 論文誌出版委員会委員
2000 - 2002 Japan Society of Applied Physics Publication Committee Member
1990 - 2002 日本応用磁気学会 光スピニクス専門研究会幹事長
1998 - 2000 応用物理学欧文誌刊行会(JJAP) 運営委員
1998 - 2000 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Steering Committee Member
1996 - 1998 応用物理学会 理事
1996 - 1998 Japan Society of Applied Physics Director
1992 - 1996 応用物理学会 評議員
1992 - 1996 Japan Society of Applied Physics Coucillor
1992 - 1995 日本応用磁気学会 理事
Show all
Awards (16):
2024/09 - Magnetic Society of Japan MSJ Distinguished Publication Award Magnetic Materials learning from Fundamentals
2023/09 - Magnetic Society of Japan MSJ Distinguished Publication Award Publication of a book "Ultra-primer for Magnetic Engineering-Welcome to the Land of Magnetics"
2015/03 - Japan Society of Applied Physics Achievement Award(Achievement to Education) Contribution to Education in the field of Applied Materials Science through Web and Books
2014/11 - Japan Association of Crystal Growth Contribution Award Contribution to JACG
2001 - Best paper award (Magnetics Society of Japan)
2000 - 米国Materials Research Societyで最優秀ポスター賞
2000 - Excellent poster award (Materials Research Society) 2000
1997 - 平成9年度日本応用磁気学会学術奨励賞「出版賞」
1997 - Publication award (Magnetics Society of Japan) 1997
Show all
Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本物理学会
, 電子情報通信学会
, 日本結晶成長学会
, Magnetics Society of Japan
, Japan Society of Applied Physics
, 電気学会
, Japan Society of Synchrotron Radiation Research
, Material Research Society