J-GLOBAL ID:200901018933811977
Update date: Dec. 10, 2024
Kasahara Yuichi
カサハラ ユウイチ | Kasahara Yuichi
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Research keywords (4):
Interface electron systems
, Layered nitride
, Heavy fermion
, Superconductivity
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
- 2023 - 2026 超高感度熱輸送および磁気測定による新規秩序相と創発準粒子の探索
- 2018 - 2023 Rotational symmetry breaking in strongly correlated quantum matters
- 2018 - 2021 量子スピン液体における創発準粒子の解明
- 2018 - 2021 Charge neutral fermionic excitations in Kondo insulators
- 2017 - 2019 Search for topological phase transition induced by broken inversion symmetry
- 2015 - 2019 Emergence of new superconducting phases by designing interfaces of heavy-fermion thin films
- 2014 - 2019 有機ナノ結晶・有機デバイス界面の3D活性サイト科学の構築
- 2015 - 2018 Physics of the interface of f-electron systems and development to the novel devices
- 2009 - 2014 Control of Electronic Properties of Materials Using Ultrahigh Electric Field at Electrochemical Interfaces
- 2012 - 2014 電界誘起量子相の材料・物性展開
- 2012 - 2013 電界誘起超伝導デバイスの微視的特性の解明と材料展開
- 2009 - 2011 層状窒化物超伝導体単結晶における超伝導対称性の解明と秩序状態の探索
- 2005 - 2009 Interface control and carrier transport in molecular materials
- 2005 - 2008 Control of electronic and optical properties in nanomaterials and their functional interfaces
- 2005 - 2007 超音波による異方的超伝導体の超伝導状態の研究
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Papers (99):
R. Namba, K. Imamura, R. Ishioka, K. Ishihara, T. Miyamoto, H. Okamoto, Y. Shimizu, Y. Saito, Y. Agarmani, M. Lang, et al. Two-step growth of high-quality single crystals of the Kitaev magnet α-RuCl 3. Physical Review Materials. 2024. 8. 7
Tomoya Asaba, A. Onishi, Y. Kageyama, T. Kiyosue, K. Ohtsuka, Shota Suetsugu, Yuhki Kohsaka, Tobi Gaggl, Yuichi Kasahara, H. Murayama, et al. Evidence for an odd-parity nematic phase above the charge-density-wave transition in a kagome metal. Nature Physics. 2024
Kumpei Imamura, Shota Suetsugu, Yuta Mizukami, Yusei Yoshida, Kenichiro Hashimoto, Kenichi Ohtsuka, Yuichi Kasahara, Nobuyuki Kurita, Hidekazu Tanaka, Pureum Noh, et al. Majorana-fermion origin of the planar thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev magnet α-RuCl3. Science Advances. 2024
Tomoya Asaba, Lang Peng, Takahiro Ono, Satoru Akutagawa, Ibuki Tanaka, Hinako Murayama, Shota Suetsugu, Aleksandar Razpopov, Yuichi Kasahara, Takahito Terashima, et al. Growth of self-integrated atomic quantum wires and junctions of a Mott semiconductor. Science advances. 2023. 9. 18. eabq5561
L. Peng, M. Naritsuka, S. Akutagawa, S. Suetsugu, M. Haze, Y. Kasahara, T. Terashima, R. Peters, Y. Matsuda, T. Asaba. Exotic heavy-fermion superconductivity in atomically thin CeCoIn5 films. Physical Review B. 2023. 107. 4
MISC (132):
難波隆一, 今村薫平, 笠原裕一, 松田祐司, 石原滉大, 橋本顕一郎, 芝内孝禎. Synthesis and heat capacity measurement of high-quality single crystal of the Kitaev spin liquid candidate α-RuCl3 by the sublimation method. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2023. 78. 2
末次祥大, 笠原裕一, 松田祐司. 磁場中物性・輸送現象 キタエフ量子スピン液体の熱輸送現象. 固体物理. 2022. 57. 11
鈴木裕貴, 佐藤雄貴, 村山陽奈子, 笠原成, 笠原裕一, 花栗哲郎, 町田理, 芝内孝禎, 松田祐司. High-field superconducting phase of FeSe under c-axis magnetic field. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2020. 75. 1
鈴木裕貴, 佐藤雄貴, 村山陽奈子, 笠原成, 笠原裕一, 花栗哲郎, 町田理, 芝内孝禎, 松田祐司. High-field superconducting phase of FeSe under c-axis magnetic field. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2020. 75. 2
黄文凱, 細井優, 笠原成, 佐藤雄貴, 笠原裕一, 松浦康平, 水上雄太, 紺谷浩, 芝内孝禎, 松田祐司. Non-Fermi liquid transport properties near the nematic quantum critical point of FeSe1-xSx. 京都大学物性科学センター誌. 2020. 36
Lectures and oral presentations (57):
(2015年日本化学会中国四国支部大会 2015)
Fine tuning of the quantum criticality in the heavy fermion superlattices CeRhIn5/YbRhIn5
(The 11th International Symposium 2015 "New Quantum Phases Emerging from Novel Crystal Structure" 2015)
(日本物理学会2015年秋季大会 2015)
Evidence for fully-gapped superconductivity in heavy-fermion CeCu2Si2
(American Physical Society March Meeting 2015)
Thermodynamic study of Superconductor-Mott Insulator Transition in Fullerides
(Ushimado International Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of Novel Superconductors and Related Materials 2014)
Education (4):
- 2005 - 2008 Kyoto University Department of Physics Division of Physics and Astronomy
- - 2008 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Department of Physics
- 2003 - 2005 The University of Tokyo School of Frontier Sciences Department of Advanced Materials Science
- - 2005 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 2014/07 - 現在 Kyoto University Department of Physics Associate Professor
- 2010/04 - 2014/07 The University of Tokyo Quantum-Phase Electronics Center Assistant Professor
- 2008/04 - 2010/03 Tohoku University Institute for Materials Research, Low Temperature Condensed State Physics Assistant Professor
Awards (2):
- 2011/02 - The Physical Society of Japan JPSJ Papers of Editors' Choice Electric-Field-Induced Superconductivity Detected by Magnetization Measurements of an Electric-Double-Layer Capacitor
- 2010/02 - Inoue Foundation for Science Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists Thermal transport study of exotic superconductors
Association Membership(s) (2):
American Physical Society
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