J-GLOBAL ID:200901018989437300
Update date: Sep. 14, 2024
Tashiro Chikara
タシロ チカラ | Tashiro Chikara
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, Anesthesiology & Rescure Medicine
Research theme for competitive and other funds (25):
- 2008 - 2010 Effects of protein-binding and maternal and fetal acidosis on placental transfer of local anesthetics
- 2008 - 2010 Reduction of intraoperative third space by low-molecular weight plasma substitute
- 2007 - 2009 Human placental transfer of volatile anesthetic and its effect on the transfer of other drugs
- 2006 - 2008 Multi-unit and multi-path model for drug inteaction
- 2002 - 2005 Neural network based mathematical model and the concentration-response curve of inhalation anesthetics.
- 2002 - 2005 Factors affecting human placental transfer of anesthesia-related drugs.
- 2002 - 2003 神経膠細胞シナプス外GABA分子伝達回路を標的とした催眠導入法の開発
- 2002 - 2003 細胞内遊離糖鎖を利用した移植臓器凍結蘇生法の開発
- 2001 - 2002 The pathophysiological role of adrenomedullin in septic lung models
- 2000 - 2001 Partitioning of anesthetic to bio-molecule and thermodynamic activity
- 1999 - 2001 Factors affecting human placental transfer of anesthesia-related drugs.
- 1999 - 2000 The role of adrenomedullin in immunesystem in sepsis
- 1995 - 1997 カテコールアミン遊離反応におけるホスホリパーゼA_2の関与および麻酔薬の影響
- 1995 - 1997 Analysis of factors affecting placental transfer of anesthetic drugs and umbilical circulation with the delivered human-placenta perfusion model.
- 1995 - 1995 帝王切開術前の糖質輪液の種類と胎児酸素化、エネルギー代謝の関連
- 1988 - 1989 燐脂質膜小胞に内包された局所麻酔薬リドカインの硬膜外腔投与に関する研究
- 1987 - 1988 Analgesia and Performance Changes Induced by Subanesthetic Concentration of Inhalational Anesthetics
- 1986 - 1987 Pressure-Reversal of the Action of Inhalation Anesthetic on the Membrane Protein Bacteriorhodopsin.
- 1985 - 1986 Electroretinogram as a Monitor of Depth and Brain Ischemia, and as a model to study mechanisms of anesthesia.
- 1981 - 1981 生体膜表面荷電に及ぼす麻酔薬の影響-麻酔作用機序と関連して-
- 1979 - 1979 膜表面荷電に及ぼす麻酔薬の影響-麻酔作用機序に関する分子論的研究-
- 吸入麻酔薬の作用メカニズム
- 産科麻酔時の胎児酸素化
- Mechanisms of Inhalational Anesthetic Agents
- Fetal Oxygenation during Anesthesia
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Papers (34):
Yoshimi Kubota, Aya Higashiyama, Mikio Marumo, Masami Konishi, Yoshiko Yamashita, Chikara Tashiro, Tomonori Okamura, Yoshihiro Miyamoto, Ichiro Wakabayashi. Detection of Subclinical Peripheral Artery Ischemia in Healthy Male Smokers by an Ankle-Brachial Index After Exercise: Sasayama Study. ANGIOLOGY. 2017. 68. 9. 769-775
Yuta Yajima, Nobutaka Kariya, Tsuneo Tatara, Chikara Tashiro, Munetaka Hirose. Simulation training for critical obstetric hemorrhage in cesarean section for medical students with human patient simulator (HPS®), comparison between role-play and impromptu simulation. Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2016. 65. 10. 1083-1089
Ryusuke Ueki, Tsuneo Tatara, Nobutaka Kariya, Noriko Shimode, Munetaka Hirose, Chikara Tashiro. Effect of decreased fetal perfusion on placental clearance of volatile anesthetics in a dual perfused human placental cotyledon model. JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA. 2014. 28. 4. 635-638
Nobuyasu Komasawa, Ryusuke Ueki, Noriyasu Yamamoto, Shin-ichi Nishi, Yoshiroh Kaminoh, Chikara Tashiro. Comparison of Pentax-AWS Airwayscope, Airtraq and Miller laryngoscope for tracheal intubation by novice doctors during infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulation: a randomized crossover trial. JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA. 2013. 27. 5. 778-780
Hanako Kohama, Nobuyasu Komasawa, Ryusuke Ueki, Noriyasu Yamamoto, Chikara Tashiro, Yoshiroh Kaminoh, Shin-ichi Nishi. Utility of the Pentax-AWS Airwayscope and Macintosh laryngoscope for airway management during chest compressions in 27A degrees left-lateral tilt: a manikin simulation study of maternal cardiopulmonary resuscitation. JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA. 2013. 27. 5. 671-675
MISC (29):
Nobuyasu Komasawa, Ryusuke Ueki, Miyuki Niki, Sachiko Iwayama, Chikara Tashiro, Tsuneo Tatara, Yoshiroh Kaminoh. Application of air-Q® laryngeal airway and gum elastic bougie in a case of anticipated difficult mask ventilation and tracheal intubation in a man with morbid obesity. Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2013. 62. 6. 670-673
Nobuyasu Komasawa, Hiromi Shii, Ryusuke Ueki, Tsuneo Tatara, Chikara Tashiro, Yoshiroh Kaminoh. A case of awake intubation using the pentax-aws airwayscope® in a patient with a difficult airway combined with severe hemorrhagic shock. Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2013. 62. 2. 197-199
Nobuyasu Komasawa, Kazuaki Atagi, Ryusuke Ueki, Shin-ichi Nishi, Yoshiroh Kaminoh, Chikara Tashiro. Reply to Letter: Is Airtraq (R) optical laryngoscope a high-efficiency device for emergent tracheal intubation during infant chest compression?. RESUSCITATION. 2011. 82. 9. 1247-1247
YL He, H Seno, K Sasaki, C Tashiro. The influences of maternal albumin concentrations on the placental transfer of propofol in human dually perfused cotyledon in vitro. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA. 2002. 94. 5. 1312-1314
Hiroshi Seno, Yan-Ling He, Chikara Tashiro, Hiroshi Ueyama, Takashi Mashimo. Simple high-performance liquid chromatographic assay of propofol in human and rat plasma and various rat tissues. Journal of Anesthesia. 2002. 16. 1. 87-89
Books (1):
Complications in Anesthesia W.B.Saunders Co. 1999
Professional career (1):
- MD, Ph.D (Osaka University)
Committee career (7):
- 1998 - 老年麻酔学会 評議員
- 1998 - 臨床麻酔学会 評議員
- 1997 - 心臓麻酔学会 理事
- 1996 - 局所麻酔学会 評議員
- 1996 - 小児麻酔学会 理事
- 1994 - 麻酔薬理学会 理事
- 1986 - 麻酔科学会 評議員,理事
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Association Membership(s) (9):
, 老年麻酔学会
, 心臓麻酔学会
, 小児麻酔学会
, 手術部医学会
, 集中治療医学会
, 臨床麻酔学会
, 麻酔薬理学会
, 麻酔科学会
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