Research field (2):
Education - general
, Religious studies
Research keywords (6):
, 宗教行政
, 教育行政
, Cultural Policy
, Religious Administration
, Educational Administration
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2002 - Study on making drafts in the field of Education in the Diet.
2001 - Study on History of School Systems Reform in modern Japan
The Flexicibility of School System
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MISC (23):
The Educational Reform Proposals of the National Committee(1984~1986) and its sequent politics. Memoirs of Humanities Association of Musashi University. 2004. 3. 35. 81-101
臨時教育審議会-その航行と回想-. 武蔵大学教職課程研究年報. 2002. 16号 10頁
我が国の学校制度の特徴とその柔軟化の方策. 京都橘女子大学研究紀要. 2002. 28号
Distinctive Character of the Japanese school System and Its Flexibility. Memoirs of Kyoto Tachibana Women's University. 2002. 28. 133-164