J-GLOBAL ID:200901019669689706
Update date: Feb. 14, 2023
Yanagisawa Tadashi
ヤナギサワ タダシ | Yanagisawa Tadashi
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Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Marine/Aquatic life sciences
, Bioorganic chemistry
, Applied biochemistry
Research keywords (2):
, biologically active peptides
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2007 - 2009 ヒメマスの降河行動を制御する天然生理活性物質
1998 - 2000 タイ国における農水産物のポストハーベストに関する研究
1978 - 下等脊椎動物における脳内視床下部ペプチドに関する研究
1978 - Study on hypothalamic peptides in brains of lower vertebrate animals
Study on Chemical structure and biological activity of natural products
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MISC (57):
Hirofumi Ohba, Katsuya Satoh, Haïtham Sghaier, Tadashi Yanagisawa, Issay Narumi. Identification of PprM: a modulator of the PprI-dependent DNA damage response in Deinococcus radiodurans. Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions. 2009. 13. 3. 471-9
Masayuki Iigo, Tomotaka Abe, Saori Kambayashi, Kaoru Oikawa, Tomohiro Masuda, Kanta Mizusawa, Shoji Kitamura, Teruo Azuma, Yasuaki Takagi, Katsumi Aida, et al. Lack of circadian regulation of in vitro melatonin release from the pineal organ of salmonid teleosts. GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2007. 154. 1-3. 91-97
Yasuhiro Aoki, Hiroko Ono, Shinobu Yasuo, Tomohiro Masuda, Takashi Yoshimura, Shizufumi Ebihara, Masayuki Jigo, Tadashi Yanagisawa. Molecular evolution of prepro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the chicken (Gallus gallus) and its expression in the brain. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 2007. 24. 7. 686-692
Yasuhiro Aoki, Tomohiro Masuda, Masayuki Iigo, Tadashi Yanagisawa. Molecular cloning of prepro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone cDNA from medaka (Oryzias latipes). GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2007. 150. 2. 364-370
Tomotaka Abe, Tomoko Ishikawa, Tomohiro Masuda, Kanta Mizusawa, Toshiro Tsukamoto, Hiroshi Mitani, Tadashi Yanagisawa, Takeshi Todo, Masayuki Iigo. Molecular analysis of Dec1 and Dec2 in the peripheral circadian clock of zebrafish photosensitive cells. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 2006. 351. 4. 1072-1077
Books (2):
ホルモンの分子生物学-4(日本比較内分泌学会編)(学会出版センター) 1998
ホルモンハンドブック(日本比較内分泌学会編)(南江堂) 1988
Education (4):
- 1978 The University of Tokyo
- 1978 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
- 1969 The University of Tokyo
- 1969 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2):
Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本動物細胞工学会
, 日本分子生物学会
, 日本生化学会
, 日本化学会
, 植物化学調節学会
, 日本比較内分泌学会
, 日本農芸化学会
, 日本水産学会
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