J-GLOBAL ID:200901019867675796   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024


キタナカ ジュンコ | JUNKO KITANAKA
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (13):
  • 2021 - 2026 Investigations into era, generation, and gender effects on the individual brain-world interaction loop
  • 2019 - 2023 Embodiment and Sociality of Dialogical Practice in Human Service and Therapy: Studies in Dialogical Space and Orality
  • 2019 - 2023 Dementia in Community Psychiatry and "Self-Participatory" Medicine: A Medical Anthropological Perspective
  • 2016 - 2018 精神医学の社会的基盤:対話的アプローチの精神医学への影響と意義に関する学際的研究
  • 2016 - 2018 認知症早期発見時代のネオ・ジェロントロジー:当事者の視点を活かす臨床構築に向けて
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Papers (52):
  • 北中 淳子. 高齢者倫理 新健康主義 : 日本での認知症予防論争をめぐって (特集 倫理学の論点23). 現代思想. 2019. 47. 12. 151-160
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. Prototypes in psychiatry and the structure of clinical empathy. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2019. 73. 8. 426
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. 「医療人類学のナラティヴ研究:その功罪と認知症医療における可能性」. ナラティヴとケア. 2019
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. A medical anthropological view of "Eastern" forms of psychotherapy : An ethnography of Kandabashi Joji's clinical work. Psyche & culture. 2018. 17. 2. 107-115
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. The age of pre-symptomatic diagnosis for dementia : From the perspective of medical anthropology. 老年精神医学雑誌. 2018. 29. 5. 505-511
MISC (10):
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. 認知症早期診断時代;「当事者視点の症候学」へ向けて. Opinions (web magazine). 2018
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. 『アルツハイマー病の謎』マーガレット・ロック(名古屋大学出版会, 2018). 週刊読書人. 2018. 3237
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. "Life Beside Itself: Imagining Care in the Canadian Arctic" by Lisa Stevenson (University of California Press, 2014). Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 2015
  • KITANAKA JUNKO. うつ病の過去・現在・未来:医療人類学的視点から. 『POWERMOOK 精神医学の基盤[2] うつ病診療の論理と倫理』田島治・張賢徳編. 2015
  • Junko Kitanaka. Downs: the History of a Disability. MEDICAL HISTORY. 2014. 58. 3. 453-454
Books (33):
  • 「エビデンスの政治学--科学の知と当事者の知の架橋に向けて」加藤忠史編『精神医学の科学的基盤』
  • “Overcoming Mistrust of the Psychological” Psychotherapy and Anthropology. Edited by Keir James
    Routledge 2018
  • 「第23章 日本研究の現在--医療人類学の視点から」『詳説 文化人類学』桑山敬己・綾部真雄編
    ミネルヴァ書房 2018
  • 「40 『うつの医療人類学』」『医療人類学を学ぶための60冊:医療を通して「当たり前」を問い直そう』澤野美智子編著
    明石書店 2018
  • “Towards Neurological Empathy: Embracing Dementia in Japan.” Special Issue of Medical Anthropology Quarterly. (Under review)
Lectures and oral presentations  (107):
  • 日本における「当事者科学」の可能性:エビデンスの人類学
    (メンタルヘルス専門家会合 2019)
  • “東洋的”精神療法?:医療人類学的視点
  • New Healthism?: Dementia Prevention in Japan
    (American Anthropological Association Meeting 2019)
  • Psychiatric Screening as a New Care of the Self in Japan Past, present and future of phenomenological, interpretative and hermeneutic sociology
    (A symposium for a partnership between Keio University and University of Vienna 2019)
  • 早期発見時代の認知症臨床
Education (3):
  • 1997 - 2006 McGill University Depts. of Anthropology & Social Studies of Medicine Medical Anthropology
  • 1993 - 1995 The University of Chicago Graduate School Social Sciences Cultural Anthropology & Cultural Psychology Master's course
  • 1989 - 1993 Sophia University Faculty of Humanities Dept. of Psychology
Professional career (2):
  • Ph.D. (McGill University)
  • M.A. (University of Chicago)
Work history (6):
  • 2016/04 - 現在 Keio University Dept. of Human sciences, Faculty of Letters Professor
  • 2008/04 - 2016/03 Keio University Dept. of Human Sciences, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor
  • 2007/04 - 2008/03 Keio University Dept. of Human Sciences, Faculty of Letters Assistant professor
  • 2004/04 - 2007/03 Keio University Dept. of Human Sciences, Faculty of Letters Assistant professor
  • 2002/04 - 2004/07 Tokai university of Dept. of Psychological and Sociological Studies, Faculty of Letters Part-time Lecturer
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Committee career (17):
  • 2019 - 現在 Medical Anthropology 編集委員
  • 2019 - 現在 Japanese Society of Transcultural Psychiatry Director
  • 2018 - 現在 Cultural Anthropology 編集委員
  • 2016/11 - 現在 アメリカ人類学会・医療人類学会 役員
  • 2016/11 - 現在 Medical Anthropological Quarterly (アメリカ人類学会支部医療人類学会機関誌) 編集委員
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Awards (5):
  • 2020 - International Mental Health Professionals Japan’s IMHPJ Career Achievement Award
  • 2013 - American Anthropological Association, Society of East Asian Anthropology Francis Hsu Prize U.S.
  • 2009/03/27 - 多文化間精神医学会奨励賞 鬱と自殺の医療人類学
  • 2007/11/30 - Society for Medical Anthropology, American Anthropological Association Medical Anthropology Student Association Dissertation Award
  • 2006/06/09 - Dr. Margaret Lock Prize in Social Studies of Medicine 日本の精神医療におけるうつ病の研究
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japanese Society of Mood Disorders ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ,  American Anthropological Association ,  The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology ,  The Japanese Society for the History of Psychiatry ,  Japanese Society of Transcultural Psychiatry
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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