J-GLOBAL ID:200901019875019326
Update date: Jan. 05, 2021
Maruta Issey
マルタ イッセイ | Maruta Issey
Research field (6):
, Crop production science
, Plant genetics and breeding
, Molecular biology
, Plants: molecular biology and physiology
, Genetics
Research keywords (5):
, 植物遺伝子組換え
, 植物組織培養
, plant gene recombination
, plant tissue culture
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2007 - 2009 果樹のDNA品種識別技術の確立
- DNA polymorphism and cultivar identification in fluits
Education (2):
- - 1984 名古屋大学大学院農学研究科博士後期課程 園芸学
- - 1979 University of Tsukuba
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 1993 - :長野県農業総合試験場研究員
- 1989 - :農林水産省農業生物資源研究所主任研究官
- 1985 - :長野県野菜花き試験場技師
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本植物細胞分子生物学会
, 日本育種学会
, The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
, Japanese Society of Breading
, Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
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