J-GLOBAL ID:200901020057109601   Update date: Jul. 17, 2024

Yoshimura Tsuyoshi

ヨシムラ ツヨシ | Yoshimura Tsuyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.kuwri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Research field  (3): Wood science ,  Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science ,  Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords  (10): 防除 ,  生理学 ,  生態学 ,  シロアリ ,  木材保存 ,  Control ,  Physiology ,  Ecology ,  Termite ,  Wood preservation
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (42):
  • 2018 - 2022 Surveys and mechanism elucidation of genetic pollution caused by edible mushrooms cultivation in east Asia
  • 2018 - 2021 Establishment of rearing method for wood-destroying beetles and investigation of life cycle
  • 2017 - 2020 Development of quality evaluation system of impregnated wood using millimater wave and confocus X-ray
  • 2015 - 2018 Sustainable management of wood-destroying insects with chemical-free starategies
  • 2014 - 2016 東南アジアにおける荒廃泥炭地の復興・再生を目指したシロアリ相の評価と利用
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Papers (374):
  • Ni Putu Ratna Ayu Krishanti, Yuki Tobimatsu, Osama Ahmed Afifi, Didi Tarmadi, Setiawan Khoirul Himmi, Toshiaki Umezawa, Wakako Ohmura, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura. Effects of dietary variation on lignocellulose degradation and physiological properties of Nicobium hirtum larvae. Journal of Wood Science. 2023. 69. 1
  • Ni Putu Ratna Ayu Krishanti, Yuki Tobimatsu, Takuji Miyamoto, Izumi Fujimoto, Titik Kartika, Toshiaki Umezawa, Toshimitsu Hata, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura. Structural basis of lignocellulose deconstruction by the wood-feeding anobiid beetle Nicobium hirtum. Journal of Wood Science. 2022. 68. 1
  • Bramantyo Wikantyoso, Tomoya Imai, S. Khoirul Himmi, Sulaeman Yusuf, Toshimitsu Hata, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura. Ultrastructure and distribution of sensory receptors on the nonolfactory organs of the soldier caste in subterranean termite (Coptotermes spp.). Arthropod Structure & Development. 2022. 70. 101201-101201
  • Rahma Nur Komariah, Ni Putu Ratna Ayu Krishanti, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Kenji Umemura. Characterization of particleboard using the inner part of oil palm trunk (OPT) with a bio-based adhesive of sucrose and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP). BioResources. 2022. 17. 3. 5190-5206
  • Matthew T Kamiyama, Kenji Matsuura, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Chin-Cheng Scotty Yang. Improving invasive species management using predictive phenology models: an example from brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) in Japan. Pest Management Science. 2021. 77. 12. 5489-5497
MISC (187):
Books (28):
  • 衛生動物の事典
    朝倉書店 2020
  • 木造建築物における蟻害の現状とその防止法
    建築技術 2019
  • シロアリによる被害、”木材保存学入門 改訂第4版”
    (公社)日本木材保存協会編、(公社)日本木材保存協会 2018
  • 侵入害虫アメリカカンザイシロアリの生態と防除、昆虫と自然
  • Volume visualization of hidden gallery system of drywood termite using computed tomography: A new approach on monitoring of termite infestation, in "Sustainable Future for Human Security - Environment and Resources"
    Springer Nature Singapore 2018
Lectures and oral presentations  (17):
  • Incisitermes minor: an invasive dry wood termites - global status of infestation and sustainable management strategies -
    (A Seminar on Integrative Biology at Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University 2016)
  • Termite researches in Japan - from biodiversity to control
    (The 37th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Entomological Society 2016)
  • Sustaining biodiversity in tropical Acacia plantation forests: a suggestion from termite and bird surveys
    (The International Conference of Biodiversity 2016)
  • 木材の腐朽と虫害-木材を劣化させる生物-
    (福井県ヘリテージマネージャー養成講座、福井 2015)
  • Current Trends and Future Prospects of Termite Management in Japan
    (IWoRS、Bandung、Indonesia 2015)
Works (24):
  • 非木質系建築材料の抗シロアリ性
    2002 -
  • インドネシア・カリマンタンにおけるシロアリ被害に関する野外調査
    2002 -
  • ベトナムにおけるシロアリ被害に関する野外調査
    2002 -
  • Research survey on termite problems in Karimantan, Indonesia
    2002 -
  • Research survey on termite problems in Vietnum
    2002 -
Education (4):
  • - 1985 Kyoto University
  • - 1985 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
  • - 1983 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
  • - 1983 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Agriculture
  • Master of Agriculture
Work history (2):
  • 1985 - 1988 大日本除蟲菊(株)中央研究所研究員
  • 1985 - 1988 Dainihon Jochugiku Co. Ltd. , Researcher
Committee career (2):
  • 1996 - 日本環境動物昆虫学会 評議員
  • 1996 - Japanese Socciety of Environmental Entomology and Zoology trustee
Awards (6):
  • 1996 - (社)日本しろあり対策協会全国大会表彰
  • 1996 - 日本木材学会奨励賞
  • 1996 - Research Award of the Japan Termite Control Association
  • 1996 - Research Promotion Award of the Japanese Society of Environmental Entomology and Zoology
  • 1996 - Research Promotion Award of the Japan Wood Research Society
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Association Membership(s) (10):
日本材料学会 ,  国際社会性昆虫学会(International Union for the Study of Social Insects) ,  国際シロアリ学会(International Isoptera Society) ,  日本環境動物昆虫学会 ,  日本木材学会 ,  Society of Material Science, Japan ,  International Union for the Study of Social Insects ,  International Isoptera Society ,  Japanese Socciety of Environmental Entomology and Zoology ,  Japan Wood Research Society
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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