Research field (3):
, Sociology
, Sociology
Research keywords (11):
, ダイアローグ
, support for child-rearing and parenting
, Finland
, coercive control
, Nordic welfare states
, social policy
, intersectionality
, risk society
, social justice
, gender
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
2023 - 2027 女性活躍推進時代に働く男性と女性の子育て社会環境変革に向けた実装研究
2021 - 2024 Development of a training program for professionals in childcare and education that focuses on infant mental health
Mutsuko Takahashi, Eija Paavilainen. Preventive actions through "neuvola" - child-rearing support by dialogue in Finland. Human Mind Special Issue "The Issues We Should Know for Considering Child Abuse". 2020. 52-59
Distinctives features of the Finnish "neuvola" and implications for Japan
The potential of 'seamless support' for childcare in Japanese family policy
(The 20th East Asian Socia Policy Network & the 30th Foundation for International Studies of Social Security Joint International Conference 2024)
Development of a Pilot Infant Mental Health Training Programme for Childcare Professionals in Japan
(WAIMH 2024 Interim World Congress 2024)
Japan's administrative reform with a new agency for child-rearing families - breakthrough or tigerpaper?
(18th annual conference of East Asian Social Policy research network 2022)
The issues on infant mental health in Japan under the COVID-19 crisis - risk and protective factors
(The 17th Annual Conference of East Asian Social Policy Research Network 2021)
2019/11 - Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Award contribution to promotion of maternal and child health
2018/11 - Council for Maternal and Child Health Promotion Award of Chairpersons of Council for Maternal and Child Health Promo
Association Membership(s) (7):
国際社会学会 International Sociological Association
, 日本社会学会
, Japan Association for Social Policy Studies
, 日本社会福祉学会
, 福祉社会学会
, Finnish Social Policy Association
, Finnish Sociological Association