J-GLOBAL ID:200901020493452150
Update date: Nov. 07, 2024
Akibayashi Kozue
アキバヤシ コズエ | Akibayashi Kozue
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Gender studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2023 - 2027 Constructing a New Theory of the State through Feminist Theory: From the Concept of Care and the Resonception of Security
- 2022 - 2026 The Cold War and Sexual Violence: Long-term Military Stationing in Northeast Asia and Intersectional Feminism
- 2017 - 2021 US military station and sexual violence: Empowerment in peace and security
- 2014 - 2017 Okinawa Feminism and Peacebuilding: Military Occupation and Sexual Violence
- 2010 - 2012 Gender analysis of peace building in the age of backlash
- 2009 - 2012 The sexual trade and Sexual Violence of the US Military
- 2006 - 2008 Studies for connecting of the notion and the sense of justice from the multiple perspectives of gender
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Papers (27):
Kozue Akibayashi. Documenting the History of Sexual Violence by the US Military in Okinawa: Feminist Theorization of “the Island of Military Bases”. Okinawa Journal of Island Studies. 2022. 3. 2. 149-157
秋林こずえ, 宜野座綾乃. 「コロナ禍から軍事主義を問う-軍事主義を許さない国際女性ネットワーク」. 女性・戦争・人権. 2021. 19. 42-53
秋林こずえ. 「基地・軍隊を許さない-沖縄発の脱軍事化フェミニスト国際ネットワーク」. 季刊ピープルズ・プラン. 2021. 93. 34-44
Kozue Akibayashi. Cold War Shadows of Japan’s Imperial Legacies for Women in East Asia (Commentary). Positions. 2020. 28. 3. 659-675
秋林こずえ. 「国際社会における「紛争と性暴力」. 『女性・戦争・人権』. 2020. 18. 42-61
MISC (44):
秋林こずえ. 書評『セクシュアリティの性売買-世界に広がる女性搾取』(キャスリン・バリー著). 『週刊読書人』. 2024. 3
秋林こずえ. 「米軍と隣り合わせに住む-在沖縄米軍による性暴力」. 『大阪保険医雑誌』. 2024. 696. 17-20
秋林こずえ. 「基地村米軍慰安婦女性の国家損害賠償請求訴訟最高裁判決の意味と今後の方針(アンキム・ジョンエ)」解題. 『女性・戦争・人権』. 2024. 22. 47-50
「セックスストライキと平和」. 『音楽劇不思議な国のエロス』パンフレット. 2024
秋林こずえ. 「戦争と性暴力」. 『女性白書2023 戦争ではなく平和を--いのち・くらし・人権』. 2023. 41-44
Books (13):
地平社 2024 ISBN:9784911256114
Feminist Conversations on Peace
Bristol University Press 2022
御茶の水書房 2017
法律文化社 2014
“Okinawa: Life on the Island of US military bases” in Peace and Freedom
Magazine of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (74):
Mlitarized sexual violence and U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement
(Demilitarizing the Pacific and Asia 2024)
Regional Perspectives and Grassroots Activism
(Women Enacting Human Security in the Midst of War: In Honor of Dr. Betty Reardon (Parallel Event for CSW68) 2024)
What are the barriers to achieve peace and justice?
(Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development Regional Convening on Militarism and Peace 2023)
Decolonization and Demilitarization: A Transpacific Roundtable
(Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference 2023 2023)
(箕面市人権フォーラム「女性」分科会 2022)
Education (2):
- 1995 - 2002 Teachers College Columbia University
- - 1992 Japan Women's University Faculty of Humanities
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Educaction (Ed.D.) (Teachers College Columbia University)
- Master of Education(M. Ed.) (Teachers College Columbia University)
Committee career (5):
- 2022/07 - 現在 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Korea Advisor
- 2018/08 - 2022/07 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom International Board Member
- 2015/04 - 2018/08 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom International President
- 日本平和学会 理事
- 女性・戦争・人権学会 代表
Association Membership(s) (6):
, "人間と性”教育研究協議会
, Association o Asian Studies
, 日本平和学会
, 女性・戦争・人権学会
, International Studies Association
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