- 1981 - 2001 Ehime University The Center for Education and Educational Research
- 1981 - 2001 The Center for Education and Educational
- 1962 - 1981 Ehime University Faculty of Education
- 1962 - 1981 Attached Junior High School, Ehime
- 1959 - 1962 愛媛県東宇和郡城川町立遊子川中学校 教諭
- 1959 - 1962 Yusukawa Junior High School, Ehime pref.,
- 1958 - 1959 愛媛県温泉郡重信町立重信中学校 講師
- 1958 - 1959 Shigenobu Junior High School, Ehime pref.,
- 講師・助教授を経て教授
- Assistant Professor/Professor
- Research, Ehime University, Lecturer/
- University, Teacher
- Teacher
- Lecturer
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