2006 - 2007 Rural sociology for making sustainable community in mountainside villages in Japan
2002 - 2004 Ideals and Realities of Sustainable Regional Development in the Post-development era : Beyond a Story of Developmentalism
1999 - 2001 Regional development in post-growth era and its reality : Narrating the "local" basis of development
1996 - 1996 近代都市における集合行動の比較社会学的研究
Papers (22):
Naoya Nakasuji. The Cradle of Eivironmental Sociology at Kanji Ikeda:A Hommage. Shakai Shirin. 2023. 69. 4. 119-133
Naoya Nakasuji. Five Choices of Tadashi Fukutake: the Evolution of Sociology in the University of Tokyo. Booklet Tokyo School. 2021. 2. 10-28
Naoya Nakasuji. The Critical Uses of Diversity. City Planning Review. 2021. 70. 1. 10-13
Naoya Nakasuji. The Social Structure of "Beautiful Japan":from the Viewpoint of Japanese Rural Sociology(six parts). Web Magazine of Gentohsha Rennaisance Academy. 2018