J-GLOBAL ID:200901021526275522
Update date: Jun. 12, 2024
Soneda Kenzo
ソネダ ケンゾウ | Soneda Kenzo
Research field (3):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
, Literature - European
Research keywords (4):
, 現代アメリカ小説
, Comparative Study of American Fiction and Film
, Contemporary American Novels
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Teaching English through Movies
Comparative Study of American Fiction and Film
MISC (53):
American Crime Films. The Sagami Journal of English and American Literature. 2003. 21. 1-20
アメリカの犯罪映画-変遷するジャンルを追って-. 相模英米文学. 2003. 21, 1-20
American Crime Films. The Sagami Journal of English and American Literature. 2003. 21. 1-20
英米映画にみるバンパイア-そのイメージの変遷-. 相模英米文学. 2002. (20), 33-48
The Vampire on the Screen. The Sagami Journal of English and American Literature. 2002. (20), 33-48
Books (210):
That's Said in Movies
Kobunsha publishers, Ltd. 2003
TOEIC Strategies:Grammar & Vocabulary
Kaibunsha Publishing Co., Ltd. 2003
TOEIC strategies:Listening Comprehension
Kaibunsha Publishing Co., Ltd. 2003
World Cinema 4:Cameron Diaz
Bensei Publishing Co., Ltd. 2003
World Cinema 3:Tom Cruise
Bensei Publishing Co.,Ltd. 2003
Professional career (1):
M.A. (Rikkyo University)
Work history (10):
1978 - 1991 Sagami Women's University
1978 - 1991 Sagami Women's University, Assistant Professor
1973 - 1988 Kanagawa University
1973 - 1988 Kanagawa University, Part-time Lecturer
1976 - 1978 Sagami Women's University
1976 - 1978 Sagami Women's University, Full-time Lecturer
1973 - 1976 Tokai University
1973 - 1976 Tokai University, Part-time Lecturer
1976 - - 玉川大学 非常勤講師
1976 - - Tamagawa University, Part-time Lecturer
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Committee career (2):
1995 - 映画英語教育学会 副会長
1985 - 日本放送芸術学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 映画英語教育学会
, 相模英米文学会
, 立教英米文学会
, 日本英学史学会
, 日本放送芸術学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in
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