J-GLOBAL ID:200901022120396600   Update date: Feb. 26, 2025

Ohta Michio

オオタ ミチオ | Ohta Michio
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.med.nagoya-u.ac.jp/bacteriology/index-j.html
Research field  (1): Bacteriology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (20):
  • 2023 - 2026 Research on microbial contamination of hands after the usage of hand-operated wheelchairs,a multi-center study.
  • 2015 - 2018 A basic research for the contamination of Bacillus cereus spores on hospital clothes and linens to prevent hospital infections caused by Bacillus cereus
  • 2012 - 2016 Investigation on biological activity of cyclic dinucleotides and elucidation of mechanism how the activity is expressed, directing toward invention of new immunostimulants
  • 2012 - 2015 Molecular epidemiological analysis and serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae colonized in the pharynx of elderly care facility users: The study for prevention of pneumonia of elderly adults
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Papers (114):
  • 梶原 志保子, 秋山 直美, 馬場 尚志, 太田 美智男. COVID-19ワクチン接種日の月経フェイズと副反応との関連. 日本感染症学会総会・学術講演会・日本化学療法学会学術集会合同学会プログラム・抄録集. 2023. 97回・71回. O-138
  • Shihoko Kajiwara, Naomi Akiyama, Hisashi Baba, Michio Ohta. Association between COVID-19 vaccines and the menstrual cycle in young Japanese women. Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy. 2023. 29. 5. 513-518
  • Noriko Kubota, Jun Kobayashi, Ayaka Kasai, Masaru Nasuno, Takemi Murai, Kisei Minami, Michio Ohta. Detection of Bacillus cereus as a causative agent of emetic food poisoning by an unconventional culture procedure. Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy. 2022. 28. 11. 1575-1577
  • Shihoko Kajiwara, Naomi Akiyama, Michio Ohta. Intentions Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination in Females Aged 15-49 Years. Vaccines. 2022. 10. 2
  • Yuka ISHIHARA, Hisae USAMI, Ikue SHAMOTO, Michio OHTA. Quantitative Evaluation of Bacillus Cereus Spore Attachment to the Surface of Disposable Medical Gloves Made from Various Materials. Japanese Journal of Infection Prevention and Control. 2020. 35. 5. 198-200
MISC (116):
  • 石原 由華, 柴山 恵吾, 社本 生衣, 宇佐美 久枝, 太田 美智男. 敗血症患者血液由来および健常者皮膚分離Bacillus cereus株芽胞のポビドンヨード感受性. 日本環境感染学会誌. 2023. 38. 2. 57-60
  • 石原 由華, 宇佐美 久枝, 社本 生衣, 太田 美智男. 血液および皮膚分離Bacillus cereusのβラクタム耐性の解析. 日本環境感染学会総会プログラム・抄録集. 2019. 34回. [O-164]
  • 石原 由華, 西山 秀樹, 湯浅 典博, 太田 美智男. メチシリン感受性黄色ブドウ球菌(MSSA)は院内感染するか? 分子疫学解析による検討. 日本環境感染学会総会プログラム・抄録集. 2019. 34回. [P-007]
  • 石原 由華, 岡本 陽, 太田 美智男. Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamaseの分子疫学解析. 日本臨床微生物学雑誌. 2017. 28. Suppl.1. 411-411
  • 石原 由華, 宇佐美 久枝, 畠山 和人, 太田 美智男. 清拭タオルのBacillus cereus汚染を高感度に検出する改良ビーズ抽出法. 日本環境感染学会誌. 2017. 32. 2. 85-88
Works (1):
  • 新規シグナル分子c-di-GMPによる細菌間情報伝達機構とバイオフィルム形成制御
    2007 -
Education (2):
  • - 1977 Nagoya University School of Medicine
  • - 1977 Nagoya University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (名古屋大学)
Work history (7):
  • 1994 - 2000 Nagoya University School of Medicine
  • 2000 - - 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科教授(分子病原細菌学)
  • 1984 - 1993 Nagoya University School of Medicine
  • 1978 - 1984 Nagoya University School of Medicine
  • 1977 - 1978 研修医(瀬戸陶生病院)
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Association Membership(s) (5):
米国微生物学会 ,  日本環境感染学会 ,  日本臨床微生物学会 ,  日本感染症学会 ,  日本細菌学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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