J-GLOBAL ID:200901022304813336
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Tonegawa Takashi
トネガワ タカシ | Tonegawa Takashi
Research field (2):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Research keywords (4):
, 磁性理論
, Computational Solid State Physics
, Theory of Magnetism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Theoretical Study of Low-Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems
MISC (32):
H Kikuchi, Y Fujii, M Chiba, S Mitsudo, T Idehara, T Tonegawa, K Okamoto, T Sakai, T Kuwai, H Ohta. Experimental observation of the 1/3 magnetization plateau in the diamond-chain compound Cu-3(CO3)(2)(OH)(2). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2005. 94. 22. 227201
H Kikuchi, Y Fujii, M Chiba, S Mitsudo, T Idehara, T Tonegawa, K Okamoto, T Sakai, T Kuwai, H Ohta. Experimental observation of the 1/3 magnetization plateau in the diamond-chain compound Cu-3(CO3)(2)(OH)(2). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2005. 94. 22. 227201