J-GLOBAL ID:200901022357358924
Update date: Sep. 24, 2024
Terunuma Nobuhiro
テルヌマ ノブヒロ | Terunuma Nobuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Particle, nuclear, cosmic-ray, and astrophysics - experiment
Research keywords (8):
, X線イメージング
, 電子ビーム
, 逆コンプトン散乱
, 高周波電子銃
, 低エミッタンス
, リニアコライダー
, 加速器
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
- 2019 - 2024 High Quality X-ray Generation with 10 MW Self-Resonating Enhancement Optical Cavity
- 2018 - 2020 Investigation of coherent diffraction radiation in resonant conditions for developing an intense monochromatic radiation source
- 2015 - 2017 Investigation of the stimulated coherent diffraction radiation and superradiant Smith-Purcell radiation
- 2013 - 2017 小型加速器による小型高輝度X線源とイメージング基盤技術開発
- 2011 - 2016 Ultra-Compact Short Pulse and Coherent Teraherts (THz) Light Source Using Super-radiance
- 2010 - 2012 Development of an optical signal transmission system for highly stable reference signal
- 2005 - 2009 Research for Hybrid System comprised Laser Super Cavity and Off-Axis Parabolic Reflective mirrors toward International Linear Collider
- 2003 - 2004 Research and Development of the Non-invasive Beam Diagnostics on High Quality Electron Beam Using Optical Diffraction Radiation
- 1996 - 1998 高電界線形加速器とダンピングリングによる大電流低エミッタンス電子ビーム生成の研究
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Papers (102):
Yuya Koshiba, Seiya Otsuka, Koki Yamashita, Chikara Fukushima, sakae araki, Alexander Aryshev, Tsunehiko Omori, Konstantin Popov, Tohru Takahashi, Nobuhiro Terunuma, et al. Harmonically mode-locked laser pulse accumulation in a self-resonating optical cavity. Optics Express. 2022
R. Yang, A. Pastushenko, V. Cilento, K. Kubo, T. Naito, T. Okugi, N. Terunuma, R. Tomás. Momentum bandwidth of the KEK Accelerator Test Facility 2. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams. 2021. 24. 5
D. Yu Sergeeva, A. S. Aryshev, A. A. Tishchenko, K. E. Popov, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa. THz Smith-Purcell and grating transition radiation from metasurface: experiment and theory. Optics Letters. 2021. 46. 3. 544-547
D.R. Bett, P.N. Burrows, C. Perry, R. Ramjiawan, N. Terunuma, K. Kubo, T. Okugi. A sub-micron resolution, bunch-by-bunch beam trajectory feedback system and its application to reducing wakefield effects in single-pass beamlines. Journal of Instrumentation. 2021. 16. 01. P01005-P01005
A. Aryshev, A. P. Potylitsyn, G. A. Naumenko, M. Shevelev, D. Shkitov, L. G. Sukhikh, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa. Observation of grating diffraction radiation at the KEK LUCX facility. Scientific Reports. 2020. 10. 1
MISC (326):
大塚誠也, 小柴裕也, 鷲尾方一, ARYSHEV Alexander, 浦川順治, 大森恒彦, 照沼信浩, 福田将史, 本田洋介, 上杉祐貴, et al. CURRENT STATUS OF A SELF-RESONATING OPTICAL CAVITY FOR LASER-COMPTON SCATTERING SOURCES. 日本加速器学会年会(Web). 2020. 17th
森川祐, 江木昌史, 福田将史, 早野仁司, 大山隆弘, 山本康史, 照沼信浩, 道園真一郎. STFビームダンプの開発. 日本加速器学会年会(Web). 2019. 16th
The CLIC, CLICdp collaborations, T. K. Charles, P. J. Giansiracusa, T. G. Lucas, R. P. Rassool, M. Volpi, C. Balazs, K. Afanaciev, V. Makarenko, et al. The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report. 2018
Y. Iwashita, N. Terunuma. Design Study of PM Dipole for ILC Damping Ring. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018. 1067
R. Yang, T. Naito, S. Bai, A. Aryshev, K. Kubo, T. Okugi, N. Terunuma, D. Zhou, A. Faus-Golfe, V. Kubytskyi, et al. Evaluation of Beam Halo from Beam-Gas Scattering at the KEK-ATF. 2018
Patents (1):
Awards (1):
- 2017/03 - Heisei Foundation for Basic Science Shuji Orito Award
Association Membership(s) (2):
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