J-GLOBAL ID:200901022754371953
Update date: Jul. 19, 2024
James Simpson
シンプソン ジェームス | James Simpson
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Full Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research keywords (20):
Food self sufficiency rate
, Food safety
, Embryo transfer
, Non Trade Concerns
, Japan
, Projections
, Feedstuffs
, Food
, Normads
, Budgets
, China
, Grassland
, Food
, Development
, Trade
, Agriculture
, International
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- WTO, China development of agriculture
MISC (102):
Special Issue, "Non-trade Concerns in WTO Agricultural Trade Negotiations: conflict Resolution in the doha Agenda. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. 2005
The special Issue, "Non-trade Concerns in WTO Agricultural Trade Negotiations: Conflict Resolutiion in the doha Agenda". International Journal of Agricultural recources, governance and ecology. 2005
中国吉林省公主嶺地域の中規模酪農家の牛乳生産コストに関する分析. 竜虎気宇大学国際社会文化研究所紀要. 2004
Structural analysis of tibetan Minority Pastoralists in the Qinghai Plateau Area of Sichuan Province of china. 社会文化研究. 2004
Mad Cow Disease: Contained or Hidden?. Eastside fellowship of Reconciliation, Belleview, Washington. 2004. February
Books (4):
家の光協会出版 2004
Is it Right that Japan be a Food Poor Country?: What should We do to Protect Our Food? (in japanese)
Ienohikari Publishing Co. 2004
Tokyo, Ienohikari Publishing Co. 2002
Is Today's Food Situation Good for Japan? Warning From an American Researcher
Tokyo, Ienohikari Publishing Co. 2002
Education (3):
- - 1968 Arizona州立大学 Agricultural Economics
- アメリカ合衆国、テキサス A&M Agricultural Economics
- Texas A & M University
Professional career (3):
- BS (University of Arizona, Texas A & M University)
- MS (University of Arizona, Texas A & M University)
- Ph.D (University of Arizona, Texas A & M University)
Work history (2):
- 1996 - 2005 Professor, Ryukoku
- 1977 - 1996 Professor, University of Florida
Awards (2):
- 2002 - 農業ジャーナリスト特別賞
- 2002 - Agricultural Journalism Award
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