J-GLOBAL ID:200901022956508390
Update date: Sep. 01, 2022
Kishida Takayuki
キシダ タカユキ | Kishida Takayuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Literature - European
, Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (4):
, 英語学
, History of Music
, English Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- シューマン(R.)の病跡
- 初期中英語における対与格融合
- Pathography of Robert Schumann
- Accusative-Dative Syncretism in Early Middle English
MISC (63):
┣DBVices and Virtues(/)-┫DBの前置詞句にみられる限定詞について. 学習院大学言語共同研究所紀要. 2000. 24. 56-64
┣DBThe Peterborough Chronicle(/)-┫DB(1070-1154)の前置詞句にみられる限定詞の水平化について. 日本中世英語英文学会誌. 2000. 15. 27-50
Kishida Takayuki. On the Leveling of the Determiner Used in the Prepositional Phrase in ┣DBVices and Virtues(/)-┫DB. Bulletin of the Language Institute of Gakushuin University. 2000. 24. 24. 56-64
On the Leveling of the Determiner Used in Prepositional Phrases in ┣DBThe Peterborough Chronicle(/)-┫DB(1070-1154). Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature. 2000. 15. 27-50
The peterborough chronicle における三人称代名詞について-補遺-. 学習院大学言語共同研究所紀要. 1999. 23. 70-82
Education (4):
- - 1970 Gakushuin University Graduate School of Humanities
- - 1970 Gakushuin University Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1968 Gakushuin University Faculty of Letters
- - 1968 Gakushuin University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
Committee career (1):
- 1992 - 1997 日本中世英語英文学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本中世英語英文学会
, 日本英文学会
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