J-GLOBAL ID:200901023940695633
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Kobayashi Hidetomo
コバヤシ ヒデトモ | Kobayashi Hidetomo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
senior assistant professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
, Pharmacology
, Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
Research keywords (3):
antimicrobial resistance
, Bacteriology
, Protease
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2022 - 2025 地域圏における抗菌薬使用数量や薬剤耐性菌の疫学解析が抗菌薬適正使用に与える影響
- 2020 - 2023 Analysis of glycolipid recognition mechanism in intestinal tissue invasion of Aeromonas and its application study
- 2016 - 2019 Survey on monitoring the quantities of antimicrobial agents used in Hiroshima prefecture hospital and molecular epidemiological analysis of antimicrobial resistant bacteria
- 2016 - 2018 The role of Aeromonas sobria serine protease in the Aeromonas infection and its molecular epidemiological analysis
- 2007 - 2009 Role of the Carboxy-terminal Region in Maturation of Aeromonas sobria Serine Protease
Papers (37):
高橋 栄造, 越智 定幸, 西村 莉彩, 小池 和輝, 磯部 隆史, 埴岡 伸光, 小林 秀丈, 清家 総史, 山中 浩泰, 岡本 敬の介. Aeromonas sobriaセリンプロテアーゼ遺伝子の発現調節因子の同定(Identification of regulatory protein on production of serine protease by Aeromonas sobria). 日本細菌学雑誌. 2023. 78. 1. 90-90
小林 秀丈, 清家 総史, 高橋 栄造, 岡本 敬の介, 山中 浩泰. Aeromonasセリンプロテアーゼによるタイトジャンクションの破壊は菌の感染により増強される(Disruption of tight junction by Aeromonas serine protease is enhanced by the presence of bacteria). 日本細菌学雑誌. 2023. 78. 1. 91-91
清家 総史, 小林 秀丈, 高橋 栄造, 岡本 敬の介, 山中 浩泰. Aeromonasのbiofilm由来bOMVsによる細胞毒性メカニズムの解析. 日本細菌学雑誌. 2023. 78. 1. 136-136
Ryuto Maeda, Hidetomo Kobayashi, Mami Higashidani, Tetsuaki Matsuhisa, Akihiro Sawa, Katsushi Miyake, Yoshitaka Tayama, Kouji Kimura, Hiroyuki Itoh, Taichi Okano, et al. Molecular epidemiological and pharmaceutical studies of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated at hospitals in Kure City, Japan. Access Microbiology. 2022. 4. 2
Mitsunobu Ueda, Hidetomo Kobayashi, Soshi Seike, Eizo Takahashi, Keinosuke Okamoto, Hiroyasu Yamanaka. Aeromonas sobria Serine Protease Degrades Several Protein Components of Tight Junctions and Assists Bacterial Translocation Across the T84 Monolayer. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2022. 12
MISC (10):
高橋栄造, 越智定幸, 小林秀丈, 清家総史, 山中浩泰, 岡本敬の介. Aeromonas sobriaセリンプロテアーゼ遺伝子の発現調節機構の解析. トキシンシンポジウム予稿集. 2022. 68th
小池和輝, 藤井穂高, 藤田敏次, 磯部隆史, 埴岡伸光, 小林秀丈, 清家総史, 山中浩泰, 岡本敬の介, 越智定幸, et al. Aeromonas sobriaメタロプロテアーゼ遺伝子発現調節機構の解析. 日本薬学会関東支部大会講演要旨集. 2022. 66th (CD-ROM)
西村莉彩, 田川亜里紗, 小池和輝, 磯部隆史, 埴岡伸光, 小林秀丈, 清家総史, 山中浩泰, 岡本敬の介, 越智定幸, et al. Aeromonas sobriaセリンプロテアーゼ遺伝子の発現調節因子の探索. 日本薬学会関東支部大会講演要旨集. 2022. 66th (CD-ROM)
清家総史, 小林秀丈, 高橋栄造, 岡本敬の介, 山中浩泰. The role of OMVs in biofilm formation by Aeromonas strain. 日本細菌学雑誌(Web). 2021. 76. 1
清家総史, 小林秀丈, 高橋栄造, 岡本敬の介, 山中浩泰. The analysis of components in biofilm formed by Aeromonas strains. 日本細菌学雑誌(Web). 2020. 75. 1
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science (Okayama University)
- M.S. in Pharmaceutical Science (Tokushima Bunri University)
Committee career (7):
- 2014/10 - 現在 Japanese Society for Bacteriology Chugoku-Shikoku Branch Councilor
- 2014/10 - 現在 日本細菌学会中国・四国支部 評議員
- 2022/01 - 2023/01 日本薬学会中国四国支部 日本薬学会中国四国支部役員
- 2015/01 - 2017/12 Japanese Society for Bacteriology a member of board of education
- 2015/01 - 2017/12 日本細菌学会 教育委員会(教育資源発掘・保存)委員
- 2009/08 - 2012/08 Japanese Society for Symposium on Toxins management
- 2009/08 - 2012/08 トキシンシンポジウム 座長・運営委員
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Awards (3):
- 2013/07 - Japanese Society for Symposium on Toxins Prize for encouragement Aeromonas sobria serine protease cleaves epithelial junctions and contributes to bacterial translocation.
- 2012/10 - Japanese Society for Bacteriology Chugoku-Shikoku Branch Prize for encouragement Role of the serine protease on invasion of Aeromonas sobria to intestinal epithelial cells
- 2010/10 - The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Chugoku-Shikoku Branch Prize for encouragement Structural and functional analysis of the serine protease from Aeromonas sobria
Association Membership(s) (3):
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
, The Japanese Biochemical Society
, Japanese Society for Bacteriology
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