Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Culture and Self
MISC (16):
Seon-Ah OH, Toshiya YAMAMOTO, Noboru TAKAHASHI, Kazuko TAKEO, Tatsuya SATO, Chengnan PIAN. How Does the Culture Appearing in Interviews? -Focus on “Treating” in Korea and “Going Dutch” in Japan-. Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College Journal,9,125-135. 2009. 1. 9. 125-135
Seon-Ah OH, Toshiya YAMAMOTO, Noboru TAKAHASHI, Kazuko TAKEO, Tatsuya SATO, Chengnan PIAN. How Does the Culture Appearing in Interviews? -Focus on “Treating” in Korea and “Going Dutch” in Japan-. Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College Journal,9,125-135. 2009. 1. 9. 125-135
Cultural differences and different voices appearing in interviews: peer relationship based on "Ogori" (treating) in Korea. Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College ronshu. 2008. 8. 8. 235-245