Research keywords (2):
, English Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Study of English Renaissance Literature
Study of Shakespeare
MISC (16):
The Other Tongue : Synonymy and Metalingual Consciousness in ┣DBOthello(/)-┫DB. Research Reports of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Kochi University. 2001. 8
"Wolvish-Ravening Lamb" : The Use of Compounds in ┣DBRomeo and Juliet(/)-┫DB. Research Reports of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Kochi University. 2000. 7. 91-104
"The Flower of Aaron : Metamorphoses of Human Activities in ┣DBTitus Andronicus(/)-┫DB". ┣DBShakespeare Studies(/)-┫DB. 1998. 33
墓を汚す奴隷-┣DBAll's Well That Ends Well(/)-┫DBにおける言語のテーマ-. 人文科学研究. 1995. 3
Precarious Calls : Terms of Address in ┣DBThe Winrter ́s Tale(/)-┫DB
Essays Presented to Professor Haruhiko Fujii on the Occasion of His Retirement from Osaka University 2000