J-GLOBAL ID:200901024698284689
Update date: Oct. 25, 2021
Kawada Midori
カワダ ミドリ | Kawada Midori
Affiliation and department:
Teikyo Heisei University Faculty of Health Care, Department of Nursing
About Teikyo Heisei University Faculty of Health Care, Department of Nursing
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Job title:
Research field (1):
Clinical nursing
Research keywords (6):
, 感染
, 細菌
, nursing
, infection
, Bacteria
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
1998 - 2003 産褥期乳腺炎発症に関与する要因の細菌学的分析
1998 - 2003 Bacteriological analysis of factors related to puerperal mastitis
Study of factors related to puerperal mastitis
MISC (7):
Midori Kawada, Katsuko Okuzumi, Shigemi Hitomi, Chieko Sugishita. Transmission of staphylococcus aureus between healthy, lactating mothers and their infants by breastfeeding. Journal of Human Lactation. 2003. 19. 4. 411-417
Midori Kawada, Katsuko Okuzumi, Shigemi Hitomi, Chieko Sugishita. Transmission of staphylococcus aureus between healthy, lactating mothers and their infants by breastfeeding. Journal of Human Lactation. 2003. 19. 4. 411-417
用手的な分画搾乳法による母乳中細菌数の測定(共著). 小児保健研究. 2003. 62. 2. 242-248
杉下 知子, 河田 みどり, 細坂 泰子. 母性看護における感染予防対策(共著). 感染防止. 2003. 13. 1. 37-48
Midori Kawada, Katsuko Okuzumi, Shigemi Hitomi, Chieko Sugishita. Transmission of staphylococcus aureus between healthy, lactating mothers and their infants by breastfeeding. Journal of Human Lactation. 2003. 19. 4. 411-417
Professional career (2):
Master c (The University of Tokyo)
保健学博士 (東京大学)
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本感染症学会
, 日本看護科学学会
, 日本小児保健学会
, 日本母性衛生学会
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