J-GLOBAL ID:200901025044192838
Update date: Sep. 18, 2013
Harada Taishi
ハラダ タイシ | Harada Taishi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate professor
Research field (1):
Aesthetic practices
Research keywords (6):
, ヴァイオリン教授法
, ヴァイオリン演奏法
, Ensemble Playing
, Teaching Violin
, Violin Playing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 1990 - 2013 ヴァイオリン音楽創作の研究
- ヴァイオリン演奏教授法
- Study on Music Composition by Japanese Motif.
- Teaching of Violin Playing for the Students
- ヴァイオリン演奏法
MISC (6):
原田 大志. バッハ作曲「フーガ イ短調」その構造と演奏法. 福岡教育大学紀要. 2008. 5. 57. 45-56
Taishi HARADA. The structure and the performing way on "Fuga in a-minor" by J.S.Bach. BULLETIN OF FUKUOKA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION. 2008. 5. 57. 45-56
原田 大志. 「マタイ受難曲」にみる演奏法の原理. 福岡教育大学紀要. 2007. 5. 56. 33-45
Taishi HARADA. Principles of music performance through MATTHÄUS-PASSION by J.S.Bach - A study on the difference between periode instrumental and modern instrumental. BULLETIN OF FUKUOKA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION. 2007. 5. 56. 33-45
原田 大志. バロック音楽の構造からみる演奏法の原理 J. S. バッハ「マタイ受難曲」を通して楽譜の読み方を探る. 福岡教育大学紀要. 1996. 5. 45. 29-40
Books (2):
The Book of Violin vol.2
The Book of Violin vol.1
Works (209):
Ballet Fantasy "KOHROKAN"
HARADA Taishi 2012 -
The 27th Annual Concert 2012 of Mixed Chorus Tonica
HARADA Taishi 2012 -
Suite for mixed chorus "TAISHI no UTA"
HARADA Taishi 2012 -
No.60 Concert of SASEBO Citizen Orchestra
HARADA Taishi 2012 -
No.59 Concert of SASEBO Citizen Orchestra
HARADA Taishi 2011 -
Education (4):
- - 1986 Tokyo University of the Arts
- - 1986 Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music) Graduate School, Division of Music
- - 1984 Tokyo University of the Arts
- - 1984 Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music) Faculty of Music
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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