J-GLOBAL ID:200901025311586638   Update date: Sep. 06, 2024

Shirahase Sawako

シラハセ サワコ | Shirahase Sawako
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Project Professor
Research field  (1): Sociology
Research keywords  (6): 公的保障論 ,  人口社会学 ,  階層論 ,  Public Policy Study ,  Soual Demography ,  Stratification Study
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (11):
  • 2018 - 2025 A Comprehensive Study of Life Course and Inequality Using the Framework of Cumulative Advantages and Disadvantages
  • 2018 - 2021 An Empirical Study on the Mechanism of Social Stratification in the Aged Society with Low Fertility
  • 2013 - 2017 A Comprehensive Study of the Structural Change in Social Stratification and the Mechanism of Generating Inequality in the Aging Society with Low Fertility
  • 2010 - 2016 Comprehensive Study of Changes in the Life Course and Cumulative Advantages and Disadvantages among the Youth in Contemporary Japan
  • 2011 - 2015 An Empirical Research on Education, Social Stratification, and Social Mobility
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Papers (112):
  • 岩田 喜美枝, 白波瀬 佐和子, 藤原 加奈, 藤波 匠. パネルディスカッション 子育て環境整備に向けた企業の使命-日本総合研究所主催シンポジウム 子育て環境整備に向けた企業の使命. JRIレビュー = Japan Research Institute review. 2024. 2024. 3. 20-61
  • Yasuda Tokio, Shirahase Sawako. Sexual Minorities and Family Studies. Kazoku syakaigaku kenkyu. 2023. 35. 1. 44-48
  • 白波瀬 佐和子. シリーズ『少子高齢社会の階層構造』書評論文リプライ. 社会学評論 = Japanese sociological review / 日本社会学会 編. 2023. 74. 3. 554-558
  • Sawako Shirahase. Another Aspect of Social Inequality, Wealth, in a Super-Aged Society, Japan: Re-examining the Conventional Framework of Social Stratification. Economy and Social Inclusion. 2022. 193-214
  • SHIRAHASE Sawako. The Purpose of This Special Feature. TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES. 2022. 27. 5. 5_11-5_11
MISC (9):
  • Increase in the Number of Small-size Households and Social Security System in Japan. 2017. 2. 1. 4-18
  • Society with Declining Birthrate from the Perspective of Social Inequality. 2015. 183. 1-22
  • 白波瀬 佐和子. 働き方のジェンダー格差 (特集 格差の実態を知る). 統計. 2015. 66. 2. 2-9
  • Sawako Shirahase. Social inequality in Japan: Nissan institute/Routledge Japanese studies. Social Inequality in Japan: Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies. 2014. 1-239
  • Family Change and the Reform of the Social Security System : Looking for the Mutually Supportive Society. 2011. 60. 5. 44-47
Books (22):
  • Social stratification in an aging society with low fertility : the case of Japan
    Springer 2022 ISBN:9789811936463
  • 人生中期の階層構造
    東京大学出版会 2021 ISBN:9784130551427
  • 人生後期の階層構造
    東京大学出版会 2021 ISBN:9784130551434
  • 人生初期の階層構造
    東京大学出版会 2021 ISBN:9784130551410
  • これからの日本の人口と社会
    東京大学出版会 2019 ISBN:9784130530279
Lectures and oral presentations  (63):
  • 富の不平等-子への資産継承意欲に着目して-
    (第96回日本社会学会 2023)
  • Wealth inequality and accumulation in later life in Japan
    (International Sociological Association RC28 (Research Committee on Social Stratification) Summer Conference (Michigan, U.S.A.) 2023)
  • Gender differences in the impact of class origin on class destination throughout the life course
    (American Sociological Association annual meeting (Philadelphia、U.S.A.) 2023)
  • What we can see and how we judge: An Inquiry from the gender perspective
    (The University of Tokyo Institute of Social Science Symposium: Normative Measurements and Social Science (Tokyo) 2023)
  • The Intergenerational Conflict Reconsidered: Focusing on the Intention of Wealth Transfer from Parents to Children
    (the World Congress of Sociology, the International Sociological Association, RC28 (Research Committee on Social Stratification) (Melbourne). 2023)
Education (2):
  • - 1997 University of Oxford
  • - 1997 University of Oxford Sociology
Professional career (1):
  • D. Phil (University of Oxford (England U. K))
Work history (1):
  • 2024/08 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Project Professor
Awards (1):
  • 2002 - 日本労働研究機構 労働関係論文優秀賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
国際社会学会 ,  家族社会学会 ,  理数社会学会 ,  日本社会学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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