Research field (2):
Business administration
, Economic policy
Research keywords (6):
, 経営管理
, 日本の産業分析
, Analysis of East Asia
, Business Administration
, Analysis of Japan Industry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2003 - 2006 東アジアの産業分析
2003 - 2006 現代日本の造船工業
2003 - 2006 Analysis of East Asia
2003 - 2006 Ship-industry of Japan
Local-industry and Economy
Show all
MISC (7):
女性職業ドライバーの労働環境に関する実態について. 労務理論学会研究年報. 2000. 9
Investigation research about the labor environment of the woman driver of the enterprise position. 2000. 9
A Tondancy and Problem in Japan Ship-industry. 1995
造船業再編成下における構造変化と生産システムの動向. 産業学会研究年報. 1993. 9. 22
On the Trend of Industrial and Production System under Restructure in japan's Shipbuilding Industry. Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan. 1993. 9. 22