2014 - 2017 Origin of regularity and complexity of earthquakes
2011 - 2013 Effect of periodic loading on asperity rupture
2008 - 2010 A study on dynamic rupture process of an asperity and radiation of short-period seismic waves
2005 - 2006 Estimation of friction parameters on plate boundaries
2002 - 2004 Synthetic Seismicity Model for the Xianshuihe Fault, Southwestern China
2002 - 2003 A study on interaction of asperilies based on laboratory and numerical experimets
1996 - 1996 断層至近距離の強震動に関する実験的研究
1995 - 1996 Estimation of in-situ stresses in and around the Kitakami area in Northeast Honshu, Japan, by means of deformation rate analysis
1995 - 1995 岩石力学に基づいたサイスミックカップリングの多様性に関する研究
1994 - 1995 Experimental Study on Near-Fault High-Frequency Strong Motion
1993 - 1993 不安定すべりに先行して発生する微小破壊に関する実験的研究
1992 - 1993 An experimental study on the stress field in rocks uniformed under in situ stresses
1991 - 1993 Slip Nucleation Process and Possibility of Aseismic Slip
1992 - 1992 断層至近距離における高周波強震動に関する実験的研究
1990 - 1990 断層至近距離における最大加速度予測に関する実験的研究
Study on Constitutive Laws of Rock Friction
Numerical Simulation of Seismic Cycles
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Papers (66):
Makoto Takahashi, Naoyuki Kato. Special Issue on Literacy for Disaster Resilience: Building a Societal Capacity for Reducing Disasters Due to Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption. Journal of Disaster Research. 2024. 19. 1. 17-18
Naoyuki Kato. Numerical Simulation of Episodic Aseismic Slip Events as Incomplete Nucleation of Seismic Slip Due to Heterogeneous Stress Distribution. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 2023. 113. 5. 2009-2025
Naoyuki Kato. Propagation of a precursory detachment front along a seismogenic plate interface in a rate-state friction model of earthquake cycles. Geophysical Journal International. 2022. 228. 1. 17-38
Naoyuki Kato. Complexity in the Earthquake Cycle Increases with the Number of Interacting Patches. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2020. 177. 10. 4657-4676
Shingo Yoshida, Takuto Maeda, Naoyuki Kato. Earthquake triggering model based on normal-stress-dependent Nagata law: application to the 2016 Mie offshore earthquake. Earth, Planets and Space. 2020. 72. 1